THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 13 No. 1, Clara Rockmore - Spring 1989


12-20 - Piotr Kleczkowski - Group Additive Synthesis
21-35 - Thomas Clark - Interview with Larry Austin
36-46 - Bill Lowe and Robert Currie - Digidesign's Sound Accelerator Lessons Lived and Learned
47-56 - RogerB. Dannenberg - The Canon Score Language

Exhibition and Conference Reviews

57-60 - Lelio Camilleri - Computers and Music Research, University of Lancaster 11-14 April 1988

Publication Reviews

60. - W. Holden - Deta Davis: Computer Applications in Music - A Bibliography

Recording Reviews

61-63 - Thomas Rhea - Clara Rockmore: The Art of the Theremin
63-64 - Tomas Wendt - Bernard Parrnegiani: La Création du Monde
64-65 - Tona Green - Lejaren Hiller: Computer Music Retrospective (1957-1985)
65-66 - Robert J. Owens - Lászlóo Dubrovay, Ricardo Mandolini, and Tamás Ungvary: Computer Music
66-67 - Robert J. Owens - Jane Brockman and George Todd: Music for Kurzweil and Synclavier

User's Reports

68-69 - Robert Rich - Tuning Facilities in the Ensoniq EPS Sampling Keyboard
69-70 - Curtis Roads - Dynacord DRP-20 Reverberator and Effects Processor
70-72 - Harry G. Greenspun - IBM PC Music Software: LTA Productions FORTE II Sequencer, FWAP!, and TrackGenie
72. - Joseph B. Rothstein - ProSonus CodeDisc
73-74 - Joseph B. Rothstein - Vaccine Computer Virus Immunization Software

Product Announcements

85. - Clara Rockwore, Richard Kronland-Martinet, Trevor Wishart - Soundsheet Examples

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 13 No. 2, Object-Oriented Software - Summer 1989


9-22 - Stephen Travis Pope - Machine Tongues XI: Object-Oriented Software Design
23-38 - Carla Scaletti - The Kyma/Platypus Computer Music Workstation
39-47 - Kurt J. Hebel - Javelina: An Environment for Digital Signal Processing Software Development
48-55 - David A. Jaffe and Lee Boynton - An Overview of the Sound and Music Kits for the NeXT Computer
56-70 - Henry S. Flurry - An Introduction to the Creation Station
71-76 - David K. Mellinger, Guy E. Garnett, and Bernard Mont-Reynaud - Virtual Digital Signal Processing in an Object-Oriented System
77-85 - Glendon Diener - TTrees: A Tool for the Compositional Environment

Performance, Exhibitions, and Conference Reviews

86-89 - Thomas Blum - ICMC '88 Concerts
90-92 - Curtis Roads - International Workshop on Models of the Singing Voice and Musical Sounds, Sorrento, Italy, 28-30 October 1988

Recording Reviews

92-93 - Robert Rowe - Joel Chadabe and Jan Williams: After Some Songs (Tape)

User's Reports

94-95 - Joseph Rothstein - Grandmaster MusicEase Notation Software
96-98 - Joseph Rothstein - Twelve Tone Systems Cakewalk Sequencer Software
98-99 - Curtis Roads - The Eventide Ultra-Harmonizer H3000

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 13 No. 3, Neural Nets and Connectionism 1 - Fall 1989


11-23 - David Anderson and Ron Kuivila - Continuous Abstractions for Discrete Event Languages
24-27 - Gareth D. Loy - Preface to the Special Issue on Parallel Distributed Processing and Neural Networks
28-40 - Mark Dolson - Machine Tongues XII: Neural Networks
41-48 - Hajime Sano and B. Keith Jenkins - A Neural Net Model for Pitch Perception
49-55 - Don Scarborough, Ben Miller and Jacqueline Jones - Connectionist Models for Tonal Analysis
56-66 - Peter Desain and Henkjan Honing - The Quantization of Musical Time: A Connectionist Approach
67-75 - Robert Gjerdingen - Using Connectionist Models to Explore Complex Musical Patterns
76-84 - Samir Sayegh - Fingering for String Instruments with the Optimum Path Paradigm
Performance, Exhibition, and Conference Reviews
85-87 - Agostino Di Scipio - The Eleventh Musica Verticale Festival, Rome Italy, December, 1988
87-90 - Robert J. Owens - National Association of Music Merchants Convention, Winter l989, Anaheim, California USA

Publication Reviews

90-92 - Robert Rowe - Alf Gabrielsson, editor: Action and Perception in Rhythm and Music
92-93 - Alfred Shabda Owens - Scott Wilkinson: Tuning In: Microtonality in Electronic Music
93-94 - Erling Wold - Johan Sundberg, editor: Harmony and Tonality
94-95 - Erling Wold - James Tenney: A History of Consonance and Dissonance
95-96 - Rodolfo Giassone - Lindoro Massimo Del Duca: Musica Digitale

Recording Reviews

96-97 - Robert Rowe - Neuma Records New Music Series Vol. 1
97-98 - Benajamin Taylor - Jukka Tiensuu: The Fantastic Clavecin

Interactive Videodisc Reviews

98. - Craig Harris - Instruction in Music: Videodisc Music Series

User's reports

99-105 - Robert J. Owens - Keller designs sequencers for IBM PCs
105-106 - Joseph Rothstein - MusicEase notation software for IBM PCs
106-107 - Vincent Mello - Kawai K1 Synthesizer
107-109 - Curtis Roads - Integrated media digital dyaxis : a digital audio workstation
109-111 - Joseph Rothstein - Tascam 238 multitrack cassette recorder

112-121 - Products anouncements

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 13 No. 4, Neural Nets and Connectionism 2 - Winter 1989


10-11 - Gareth D. Loy - Preface to the Second Special Issue on parallel distributed processing and Neural Networks
12-26 - Bernice Laden ,and Douglas H. Keefe - The Representation of Pitch in a Neural Net Model of Chord Classification
27-43 - Peter M. Todd - A Connectionist Approach to Algorithmic Composition
44-53 - Jamshed J. Bharucha and Peter M. Todd - Modeling the Perception of Tonal Structure with Neural Nets
54-64 - Keith Lent, Russell Pinkston and Peter Silsbee - Accelerando: A Real-Time, General Purpose Computer Music System
65-71 - Keith Lent - An Efficient Method for Pitch Shifting Digitally Sampled Sounds
72-77 - Haruhiro Katayose and Seiji Inokuchi - The Kansei Music System

Performance, Exhibition, and Conference Reviews

78-82 - Stephen Travis Pope and Elizabeth Gibson - ACM SIGCHI89 Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Austin, Texas, 30 April - 5 May 1989
82-85 - David Johnson - Concert Series with Computer Music, Zurich, Switzerland, 9-12 December 1988

Publication Reviews

86-88 - Thomas Blum - David Rosenboom, Editor: Biofeedback and the Arts
88-89 - Robert Rowe - Richard Teitelbaum: Concerto Grosso
89-90 - Robert Rowe - Rick Baitz, Martin Bresnick, Scott Lindroth, Neil B. Rolnick, and Richard Teitelbaum: CDCM-Computer Music Series, Vol. 2
90-91 - Craig Harris - Roberto Laneri: Anadyomene

Users' Reports

92-93 - Joseph Rothstein - Prosonus Studio Reference Disk and Sample Library Compact Disks
93-95 - Joseph Rothstein - Yamaha C1 Music Computer
95-98 - R. L. Blevins - Blank Software Alchemy 2.0 Sound Editor for Apple Macintosh

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 14 No. 1, New Performance Interfaces 1 - Spring 1990

Special Focus on New Performance Interfaces

12-25 - Jeff Pressing - Cybernetic Issues in Interactive Performance Systems
26-41 - Dean Rubine and Paul McAvinney - Programmable Finger-tracking Instrument Controllers
42-47 - R. Benjamin Knapp and Hugh Lusted - A Bioelectric Controller for Computer Music Applications
48-66 - David Rosenboom - The Performing Brain

Performance, Exhibition, And Conference Reviews

67-73 - Thomas Rhea - Electronic Music Plus Seventeenth International Festival
74-75 - Erling Wold - Telluride Institute's Composer-to-Composer 1989

Publication Reviews

75-76 - Robert Rowe - Telilef Kvifte: Instruments and the Electronic Age: Toward a Terminology for a Unified Description of Playing Technique
76-79 - Curtis Abbott - Ken Pohlmann: The Compact Disc: A Handbook of Theory and Use
80-. - Philip Greenspun - John Watkinson: The Art of Digital Audio

Recording Reviews

80-81 - Robert Rowe - Cultures Electroniques Serie GMEB UNESCO CIME Bourges 1988 Magisterium 16th International Electroacoustic Music Competition

Users' Repotrs

82-85 - R. L. Blevins - Opcode Vision Sequencer for Apple Macintosh Computers
85-86 - Robert J. Owens and Ed Pollard - Ballade, Patch and Sequence Editor for the Roland MT-32 Tone Generator and IBM PC
86-87 - Joseph Rothstein - Sound Quest DX11/TX81Z Master Editor/Librarian for IBM PCs
87-88 - Joseph Rothstein - Key Connection Audiocassette on the Kurzweil K1000 Synthesizer

Soundsheet Examples

100. - David Rosenboom

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 14 No. 2, New Performance Interfaces 2 - Summer 1990


15-27 - Xavier Chabot - Gesture Interfaces and a Software Toolkit for Performance with Electronics
28-33 - Volker Krefeld - The Hand in the Web: An Interview with Michel Waisvisz
3446 - Richard Boulanger - Conducting the MIDI Orchestra, Part 1: Interviews with Max V. Mathews, Barry Vercoe, and Roger Dannenberg
4751 - Claude Cadoz, Leszek Lisowski, and Jean-Loup Florens - A Modular Feedback Keyboard Design
52-60 - Robert Moog and Thomas Rhea - Evolution of the Keyboard Interface: The Bösendorfer 290 SE Recording Piano and the Moog Multiply-Touch-Sensitive Keyboards

Performance Reviews

61-64 - Thomas Blum - Concerts at the 1989 International Computer Music Conference in: Columbus. Ohio, November 2-5, 1989

Publication Reviews

64-66 - Thomas Blum - Judith Brown and Steve Cunningham: Programming the User Interface: Principles and Examples

Recording Reviews

67-68 - Robert Rowe - New Music from Oberlin: Edward Miller and Michael Daugherty
68. - Michael Czeiszperger - Stephen Jeske: Probabilities
68-69 - Robert Rowe - Erling Wold: Music of Love
69-71 - Richard Boulanger - Támas Ungváry: Ite, Missa Est
71-72 - Thomas DeLio - James Dashow: Archimedes, Mnemonics, Oro, Argento and Legno

Users' Reports

73-83 - Michael Metlay - The Musician-Machine Interface to MIDI
83-85 - Joseph Rothstein - Sound Globs Algorithmic Composition Software
85-86 - Joseph Rothstein - Sonus SMX-2000 SMPTE-MIDI Time Code Converter

87-97 - Products anouncement

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 14 No. 3, Analysis/Synthesis, Pitch Detection 1 - Fall 1990


12-25 - Peter Kugel - Myhill's Thesis: There's More than Computing in Musical Thinking
26-37 - Charles Sullivan - Topic: Extended Synthesis Techniques and Pitch Detection Extending the Karplus-Strong Algorithm to Synthesize Electric Guitar Timbres with Distortion and Feedback
38-45 - John Bate - The Effect of Modulator Phase on Timbres in FM Synthesis
46-59 - John Lane - Pitch Detection Using a Tunable IIR Filter
60-71 - William Kuhn - A Real-Time Pitch Recognition Algorithm for Music Applications

Performance, Exhibition, and Conference Reviews

72-73 - Francesco Guiffrida and Paolo Podesta - The European Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Music, Genoa, Italy
73-78 - Joseph Rothsein and Robert J. Owens - National Association of Music Merchants Convention: Two Views
78-79 - Craig Harris - Third Annual Computer Music Concert, Palo Alto

Recording Reviews

79-81 - Eliot Handleman - Stephen Handel: Listening: An Introduction to the Perception of Auditory Events
81-82 - Albert Mailer - Stephen McAdams, Editor: Music and Psychology: A Mutual Regard
82-83 - Helen Head - Karlheinz Stockhausen, with Robin Maconie: Karlheinz Stockhausen on Music
83-84 - Robert Rowe - New Computer Music: Barlow, James Dashow, Stephan Kaske, Paul Lansky, Curtis Roads, Waisvisz
84-85 - Robert Rowe - David Rosenboom: Systems of Judgment

User's Reports

86-89 - Alan Belkin - Coda Finale, Version 2.0 for Apple Macintosh Computers
89-91 - Joseph Rothstein - Ensoniq VFX-SD Synthesizer/Workstation
91-93 - Joseph Rothstein - Cool Shoes Drummer Drum Machine Sequencer Software for IBM PCs
93-94 - Joseph Rothstein - dbx 120X-DS Subharmonic Synthesizer
94-96 - Joseph Rothstein - Audio Matrix 16 Patch Bay by 360 Systems
96-97 - Robert J. Owens and Ed Pollard - MIDI Magic MIDI-to-tape Interface for IBM PCs

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 14 No. 4, Analysis/Synthesis Methods and LISP Programming - Winter 1990


12-24 - Xavier Serra and Julius Orion III Smith - Spectral Modeling Synthesis: A Sound Analysis/Synthesis System based on Deterministic plus Stochastic Decomposition
25-41 - Jacques Chareyron - Digital Synthesis of Self-Modifying Waveforms by Means of Linear Automata
42-58 - John Rahn - The LISP Kernel: A Portable Software Environment for Composition
59-64 - Marina Bosi - An Interactive Real-Time System for the Control of Sound Localization

Performance, Exhibition, and Conference Reviews

65- 67 - Peter Castine and Martha Brech - Inventionen 1990: Festival of New Music, Berlin, Germany

Publication Reviews

67-70 - John Snell - Francis Richard Moore : Elements of Computer Music
70-72 - Stephen Travis Pope - Max V. Mathews and John R. Pierce, Editors: Current Directions in Computer Music Research
72. - Tyler Tremaine - George Heussenstamm : Te Norton manual of music notation
72. - Susan Blau - David Huber and Robert Runstein : Modern recording techniques, third edition

Recording Reviews

73. - Todd Winkler - American Composers Alliance at 50: Music of Rosenblum, Le Baron, Carl, Bevelander, Tsontakis
73-74 - Robert Rowe - Computer Music Currents 1: Music of Savouret, Lindwall, David Oppenheim
74-76 - Todd Winkler - Overhear: Music of Vaughn, Williams, MacDonald, Wishart, Dearden, Alvarez

77-102 - Products of interest

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 15 No. 1, Interactive Algorithmic Composition - Spring 1991


14-19 - Tona Green - Interview with Jean-Claude Eloy
20-27 - W. F. McGee and Paul Merkley - A Real-Time Logarithmic-Frequency Phase Vocoder
28-39 - Peter S. Langston - IMG/1: An Incidental Music Generator
40-48 - Michael Gogins - Iterated Functions Systems Music
49-54 - Carter Scholz - A Proposed Extension to the MIDI Specification Concerning Tuning

Reviews of Performances, Exhibitions, and Conferences

55-58 - Atau Tanaka - CyberArts International

Recording Reviews

58-60 - Brad Garton - CDCM Computer Music Series, Computer Music Journal, vol. 1: Larry Austin, Thomas Clark, Jerry Hunt, Phil Winsor
60-62 - Brad Garton - Barry Traux: Digital Soundscapes
62-63 - Robert Rowe - Computer Music Currents 2: Mario Davidovsky, Gottfried Michael Koenig, Denis Lorrain, Emmanuel Ghent, Daniel Arfib, Loren Rush
63-66 - Kevin Austin - Empreintes DIGITALes CDs: Christian Calon: Ligne de vie en récits électriques, Vol. 1; Robert Normandeau: Lieux inouïs, Vol. 2

User’s reports

67-68 - Don Bedos - Yamaha SY22 Music Synthesizer
69-70 - Anthony Riccardi - Yamaha SY77 RCM Synthesizer
70-72 - Robert J. Owens - E-mu Systems Proteus / 2XR Digital Sound Module
72-73 - Larry Johnson - Hologramophone Research Hyperchord for Commodore Amiga Computers
73-74 - Joseph Rothstein - AKG K1000 Stereo Headphones

Soundsheet Examples

86-87 - Charles R.Sullivan; Xavier Serra and Julius Orion III Smith; Peter S. Langston ; Michael Gogins

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 15 No. 2, Performance Rules and the CAMP Project - Summer 1991


12-20 - Roger Johnson - Machine Songs I: Music and the Electronic Media
21-32 - Heinrich Taube - Common Music: A Music Composition Language in Common Lisp and CLOS
33-40 - Rupert C. Nieberle, Stefan Koschorrek, Lutz Kosentzy and Markus Freericks - CAMP: Computer-Aided Music Processing
41-48 - Rupert C. Nieberle and Markus Freericks - Extending an Interactive Music Environment
49-55 - Anders Friberg, Lars Fryden Lars-Gunnar Bodin, and Johan Sundberg - Performance Rules for Computer-Controlled Contemporary Keyboard Music
56-71 - Anders Friberg - Generative Rules for Music Performance

Performance and Exhibition Reviews

72-74 - Patrick Lawless - Amnon Wolman: Concerto for Piano, Pianos and Orchestra

Publication Reviews

74-75 - Stephen Smoliar - Albert S. Bregman: Auditory Scene Analysis: The Perceptual Organization of Sound
75-76 - L.Chabin Dweeves - Michael Dickreiter : Tonmeister Technology

Recording Reviews

76-77 - Warren Sirota - The Hub: The Hub Computer Music
77-79 - Thomas De Lio - Electroacoustic Music : Clasics
79-80 - Richard Povall - Chris Mann: La De Da
80-81 - Albert Mailer - M.Bagella, N.Sami, S.Tamburini, G.Nottoli and F.Galante : Computer Music Concerto

User’s reports

82-83 - Joseph Rothstein - Ensoniq SQ/R Synthesizer
84-86 - Joseph Rothstein - Scorpion Systems SiBil Real time Performance Software
86-88 - Joseph Rothstein - Music Quest MQX-32m MIDI Interface
88. - Robert J. Owens - Sennheiser HD25 Monitoring Headphones
89. - William Eldridge - VLP HookUp ! for Apple Macintosh Computers

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 15 No. 3, IRCAM Musical Workstation - Fall 1991


16-26 - Bruce Pennycook - Machine Songs II: The PRAESCIO Series - Composition-Driven Interactive Software
27-40 - Susan Fichera - Machine Tongues XIII: Real-Time Audio Conversion Under a Time-Sharing Operaring System
41-49 - Eric Lindemann, Francois Dechelle, Bennett Smith, and Michel Starkier - The Architecture of the IRCAM Musical Workstation
50-57 - Eric Viara - CPOS: A Real-Time Operating Syseem for the IRCAM Muscial Workstation
58-67 - Miller Puckette - FTS: A Real-time Monitor for Multiprocessor Music Synthesis
68-77 - Miller Puckette - Combining Event and Signal Processing in the MAX Graphical Programming Environment
78-100 - Eric Lindemann and Maurizio de Cecco - Animal: Graphical Data Definition and Manipulation in Real Time

Performance, Exhibition, and Conference Reviews

101-105 - Joseph Rothstein and Robert J. Owens - Two Views of the 1991 National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Convention
105-107 - Todd Winkler - CCRMA Summer Computer Music Festival
107-108 - Roberto G. Kriscak - LIM Computer and Art Festival, Lugano, Italy
108-110 - Ertnest Molner - Second International Symposium of Electronic Art (SISEA), Groningen, Holland
110-115 - David Keane - Bourges International Festival of Electronic Music 1988-1990,Bourges, France

Recording Reviews

115-118 - Brad Garton and Joseph Rothstein - Two Reviews of Paul Lansky : Smalltalk
118-120 - Kevin Austin - Various Artists : Electroclips, 25 Electroacoustic Snapshots

User’s reports

121-122 - Joseph Rothstein - Tascam DA-30 DAT Recorder
122-124 - Joseph Rothstein - Play It By Ear : Ear Training Software for IBM PCs
124-126 - Joseph Rothstein - Voyetra Sequencer Plus Gold for IBM PCs

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 15 No. 4, Dream Machines: John Pierce at 80 - Winter 1991


17-28 - - Recollections with John Robinson Pierce
29-30 - Amnon Wolman - An Invitation for Discussion
31. - John R. Pierce - Surprises and Music
32-36 - Jean -Claude Risset - Some Comments About Future Music Machines
37-46 - Max V. Mathews - The Radio Baton and Conductor Program, or: Pitch, the Most Important and Least Expressive Part of Music
47-50 - Johannes Goebel - My Dream (Machine?)
51-54 - Xavier Rodet - What Would We like to See Our Music Machines Capable of Doing?
55-61 - Richard Ashley - Two Responses
62-64 - Chris Chafe - Dream Machine 1990
65-69 - Miller Puckette - Something Digital
70-73 - Gary S. Kendall - Visualization by Ear: Auditory Imagery for Scientific Visualization and Virtual Reality
74-77 - David Zicarelli - Communicating with Meaningless Numbers
78-81 - Nicoia Bernardini - Should Musical Instruments Be Dreams?
82-86 - David L. Wessel - Instruments That Learn, Refined Controllers, Source Model Loudspeakers
87. - John R. Pierce - Final Comments

Performance, Exhibition, and Conference Reviews

88-89 - Arvid O.Vollsnes - Computers in Music Research : Queen’s University, Belfast, Northem Ireland
89-94 - Brian Reinbolt - Electronic Music Plus : Mills College, Oakland, California, USA
94-96 - Otto Laske - Third Biennial Arts and Technology Symposium : connecticut College, New London, Connecticut, USA
96-98 - Gary Don and Graig Weston - Music and Power : University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
98-99 - Craig Harris - Computer Music Concert : New Performance Gallery, San Francisco, California, USA

Recording Reviews

99-100 - John Bischoff - Erling World : I Weep
100. - Erling World - Tim Perkis and John Bischoff : Artificial Horizon

User’s reports

102-110 - Pelz-Sherman - Mark of the Unicorn Performer 3.61 for the Apple Macintosh
110-112 - Joseph Rothstein - Mark of the Unicorn MIDI Mixer 7s
113-115 - Joseph Rothstein - Yamaha DTR2 DAT Recorder
115-118 - Joseph Rothstein - Coda Finale 2.0 Notation Software for IBM PCs
119-123 - Joseph Rothstein - Peavey DPM-V3 Synthesizer and SX Sampling Expander
123-124 - Joseph Rothstein - Frac Tunes MIDI Graphics Software for IBM PCs
124-128 - Robert J. Owens - Dr. T’s X-or Universal System Exclusive Orchestrator, Copyist Professional DTP, and Roland MT-32 Editor/Librarian for IBM PCs
128. - Arthur Roberts - Steinberg-Jones CUBASE Sequencer for Atari ST Computers

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 16 No. 1, Advances in AI for Music 1 - Spring 1992


19-24 - Will Bauer and Bruce Foss - GAMS: An In tegrated Media Controller System
25-33 - Frode Holm - Machine Tongues XIV: CSP -Communicating Sequential Processes
34-42 - Frode Holm - Undersanding FM Implementations: A Call for Common Standards
43-63 - Robert Rowe - Machine Listening and Composing in Cypher
64-76 - David Rosenthal - Emulation of Human Rhythm Perception

Conference reviews

77-87 - Thomas Blum and Michael Czeisberger - ACM SIGGRAPH 1991

Publication reviews

87-88 - Craig Harris - Computing in Musicology: A Research Directory
88-92 - Stephen Smoliar - The Well-Tempered Object

Recording reviews

92-93 - Robert Rowe - Wergo Computer Music Currents 3
93. - William Schottstaedt - The Kit Watkins Sampler

User’s Reports

94-95 - Christopher Fry - MidiVox Voice-to-MIDI Convertor
96-98 - Joseph Rothstein - X-oR Editor/Librarian Software
98-101 - Joseph Rothstein - Master Tracks Pro Sequencer Software
101-103 - Joseph Rothstein - Sound Quest MIDI Quest Editor/Librarian Software

Sounsheet examples

112-113 - Amnon Wolman, Jean-Claude Risset, Paul Lansky and Clarence Barlow

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 16 No. 2, Advances in AI for Music 2 - Summer 1992


17-34 - Peter Desain and Henkjan Honing - Time Functions Function Best as Functions of Multiple Times
35-44 - Francis Chin and Stephen Wu - An Efficient Algorithm for Rhythm-finding
45-50 - G. Vidyamurthy and Jaishankar Chakrapani - Cognition of Tonal Centers: A Fuzzy Approach
51-68 - Gerhard Widmer - Qualitative Modeling and Intelligent Musical Learning
69-83 - David Cope - Computer Modeling of Musical Intelligence in EMI

Performance and Conference Reviews

84-86 - Glenn Spencer - Technology and Music: The Beginning and Now
86-88 - Fred Malouf - New Music Theater: Arches
88-103 - Thomas Blum et al. - Reports on the 1991 International Computer Music Conference

Publication reviews

104. - Curtis Roads - Matthias Becker: Synthesizer von Gestern

Recording reviews

104-106 - Martin Wilde - Barry Truax: Pacific Rim
106-107 - Michael Casey - CDCM Computer Music Series 7

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 16 No. 3, Computer Music Systems - Fall 1992


17-21 - Jon Appleton - Machine Songs III: Music in the Service of Science - Science in the Service of Music
22-32 - Lev Koblyakov - Score/Music Orientation: An Interview with Robert Rowe
33-47 - Rick Bidlack - Chaotic Systems as Simple (but Complex) Compositional Algorithms
48-56 - Mark Kahrs and Tom Killian - Gnot Music: A Flexible Workstation for Orchestral Synthesis
57-72 - Andrea Ballista Enea Casali, Jacques Chareyron, and Goffredo Haus - The MIDI/DSP Sound Processing Environment of the Intelligent Music Workstation
73-91 - Stephen Travis Pope - The Interim DynaPiano: An Integrated Tool and Instrument for Composers

Performance, Exhibition, and Conference Reviews

92-96 - Michael Czeiszperger and Atau Tanaka - CyberArts International
96-98 - Glenn Spencer - Music Publishing and Music Representation in the Technological Age: A Symposium
98-100 - Eric De Visscher - ROBOARD-pf-estival
100-101 - Christian Eloy - Seminar on Pedagogy and Computing in Music
101-103 - Joseph Rothstein - The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Convention, January 1992

Recording Reviews

103-104 - Insook Choi - CDCM Computer Music Series Computer Music Journal, vol. 5: Paul Lansky, Brad Garton, Andrew Milburn, Martin Butler, Frances White, and Alicyn Warren
104-105 - Joseph Rothstein - Tod Machover: Valis

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 16 No. 4, Physical Modeling of Musical Instruments 1 - Winter 1992


15-29 - Larry Austin - An Interview with John Cage and Lejaren Hiller


30-42 - Gianpaolo Borin, Giovanni DePoli, and Augusto Sarti - Algorithms and Structures for Synthesis Using Physical Models
43-56 - James Woodhouse - Physical Modeling of Bowed Strings
57-73 - Douglas H. Keefe - Physical Modeling of Wind Instruments
74-91 - Julius Orion III Smith - Physical Modeling Using Digital Waveguides

Performances, Exhibitions, and Conference Reviews

92. - Glendon Diener - The Second International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Los Angeles, February 22-26, 1992

Recording Reviews

92-93 - Stephen David Beck - Kaija Saariaho: Lichtbogen, IO, Verblendungen, Stellegen
93-95 - Agostino Di Scipio - Ars Ludi-Percussione e oltre: Mauro Bagella, Tonino Battista, Michelangelo Lupone, Luigi Ceccarelli
95-96 - Robert Rowe - Computer Music Currents 4: David Evan Jones, Michel Decoust, Charles Dodge, Jean-Baptiste Barrière, Trevor Wishart, Roger Reynolds
96-98 - Brian Belet - New Graduate Works From the Experimental Music Studios, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Insook Choi, Michael Mizma, Christopher Preissing, Patric Cohen, Ross Feller, Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner, Drew Krause, William DeFotis, Robin Bargar

User's Report

100-101 - Joseph Rothstein - Peavey DPM-SP Sample Player
99-100 - Michel Fingerhut - ADR 4+ Quadraphonic 16-bit Audio Converters for Computers with SCSI Interfaces
101-104 - Arthur Roberts - Devices for Increasing the Number of MIDI channels
104-111 - A. Coenen and W. Schaefer - Computer controlled Player Pianos

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 17 No. 1, Physical Modeling of Musical Instruments 2 - Spring 1993


12-13 - Curtis Roads - Introduction to "The Menace of Mechanical Music" by John Philip Sousa
14-18 - John Philip Sousa - Machine Songs IV: The Menace of Mechanical Music
19-29 - Claude Cadoz, Annie Luciani, and Jean-Loup Florens - CORDIS-ANIMA: A Modeling and Simulation System for Sound and Image Synthesis-The General Formalism
30-44 - Perry R. Cook - SPASM: A Real-Time Vocal Tract Physical Model Controller and Singer: the Companion Software Synthesis System
45-56 - Joseph Derek Morrison and Jean-Marie Adrien - MOSAIC: A Framework for Modal Synthesis
57-65 - Pirouz Djoharian - Generating Models for Modal Synthesis

Performances, Exhibitions and Conferences

66. - Brian Kirkpatrick - Concert of New Works by B. Belet, S. Korde, R. Reynolds, and M. Tezges in Boston, Massachusetts USA
66-67 - Alan Smaill - New Music in Edinburgh: G. Brett, S. Davismoon, E. Miranda, S. Robinson, and G. Wiggins
67-70 - Toshiaki Matsushima, Haruhiro Katayose, Takehito Shimazu, Tatsuya Aoyagi, Tatsuo Nakazawa, Mitsuhiro Araki, and Junichi Fujimori - The Japan Music and Computer Science Society (JMACS) 1992 Summer Symposium
71-72 - Donna McCabe - Second Annual Workshop in Sound Computation (CERL)

Recording Reviews

73-75 - Brian Belet - Neil B. Rolnick: Macedonian AirDrumming
75-76 - Robert Rowe - Computer Music Currents 5: Denis Smalley, Mesias Maiguashca, Gareth D. Loy, Kaija Saariaho, and Jonathan Harvey
76-77 - Stephen David Beck - Charles Dodge: Any Resemblance is Purely Coincidental
77-78 - Tim Perkis - James Tenney: Selected Works 1961 - 1969

Publication Reviews

78-81 - Richard Brush, Michael Hauser, Glenn Spencer, and Jim Standish - David Cope: Computers and Musical Style

User's Reports

82-83 - Mark Kahrs and Tom Killian - Yamaha QY-10 Synthesizer and Sequencer
83-84 - Arthur Roberts - Hotz MIDI Translator for Atari Computers
84-87 - Alan Belkin - Composer's Mosaic and Performer V.4 for Apple Macintosh Computers

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 17 No. 2, Synthesis and Transformations - Summer 1993


17-22 - Earl Dumour - Interview with Arthur Roberts
23-54 - Stephen Travis Pope - Machine Tongues XV: Three Packages for Software Sound Synthesis
55-65 - Peter Comerford - Simulating an Organ with Additive Synthesis
66-72 - Daniel Arfib and Nathalie Delprat - Musical Transformations using the Modification of Time-Frequency Images
73-79 - Bridget Baird, Donald Blevins, and Noel Zahler - Artificial Intelligence and Music: Implementing an Interactive Computer Performer

Performance, Exhibition, and Conference Reviews

80-85 - Henkjan Honing and Davide Rochesso - International Workshop on Models and Representations of Musical Signals
85-98 - Doug Keislar, et al. - 1992 International Computer Music Conference
98-99 - Graham Hair - Glasgow University's Annual Ferguson Bequest Concert

Publication Reviews

99-100 - Curtis Roads - Iannis Xenakis: Formalized Music

User's Reports

101-104 - Joseph Rothstein - Kurzweil K2000 Keyboard Synthesizer
104-107 - Joseph Rothstein - Passport Designs Encore Music Notation Program

107-120 - Products anouncement

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 17 No. 3, Music Representation and Scoring 1 - Fall 1993


14-19 - Carlos Palombini - Machine Songs V: Pierre Schaeffer: From Research into Noises to Experimental Music
20-30 - Roger B. Dannenberg - Music Representation Issues, Techniques, and Systems
31-42 - Geraint Wiggins, Eduardo Miranda, Alan Smaill, and Mitch Harris - A Framework for the Evaluation of Music Representation Systems
43-58 - Lippold Haken and Dorothea Blostein - The Tilia Music Representation: Extensibility, Abstraction, and Notation Contexts for the Lime Music Editor

Performance, Exhibition and Conference Reviews

59-65 - Paul Geladi, Øyvind Hammer, Silvia Matheus, and David A. Jaffe - Four (re)views of the Nordic Electroacoustic Music Organization (NEMO) 1992 Nordic Computer Music Festival
65-67 - Donna McCabe - The Misfortune of the Immortals
67-69 - Joseph Rothstein - National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Convention, January, 1993

Recording Reviews

69-70 - Robert Rowe - Wergo "Computer Music Currents" 6: Horacio Vaggione, Thomas Kessler, Denis Smalley, Amnon Wolman, and Chris Chafe
70-73 - Thomas DeLio - Computer Music on Neuma: Roger Reynolds, Electro-Acoustic Music II, and Contemporary Flute Music: Pierre-Yves Artaud
73-75 - Alicyn Warren - Paul Lansky: "Homebrew"

Publication reviews

75-77 - Anna Caveduri - C.Boschi, editor : Musica e Scienza : Il Margine Sottile

User's Reports

78-84 - Michael Lamoureux and Annabel Cohen - Evaluation of the NeXT Computer System for Psychoacoustic and Music Perception Research

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 17 No. 4, Music Representation and Scoring 2 - Winter 1993


17-29 - Andrew Horner, James Beauchamp, and Lippold Haken - Machine Tongues XVI: Genetic Algorithms and their Application to FM Matching Synthesis
30-37 - Kablan Barbar, Myriam Desainte-Catherine, and Alain Miniussi - The Semantics of Musical Hierarchies
38-50 - Heinrich Taube - STELLA: Persistent Score Representation and Score Editing in Common Music
51-59 - Donald Sloan - Aspects of Music Representation in HyTime/SMDL
60-72 - H. S. Field-Richards - CADENZA: A Music Description Language

Event Reviews

73-75 - Michael McNabb - Gyorgy Ligeti Concerts at Stanford and Berkeley

Publication Reviews

75-76 - Michael Czeiszperger - Joseph Rothstein: "MIDI-A Comprehensive Introduction"
76-78 - Jason Vancomme - Robert Rowe: "Interactive Music Systems-Machine Listening and Composing"
78-81 - Richard Parncutt - Lelio Camilleri, "Editor: Mind and Machines-Journal for Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science: Music and Cognition" Computer Music Journal, vol. 2, Number 4

Recording Reviews

82-85 - Brian Belet - Paul Lansky, Larry Austin, John Melby, Anthony Braxton, and David Rosenboom: CDCM Computer Music Journal, vol. 10 - "The Virtuoso in the Computer Age (I)"
85-86 - Tim Perkis - Larry Austin, Gareth D. Loy, Chris Chafe and Dexter Morrill, Neil B. Rolnick, Rodney Waschka II, Jon Appleton, and Larry Polansky: CDCM Computer Music Journal, vol. 11-"The Virtuoso in the Computer Age (II)"
86-87 - Jason Vancomme - Diane Thome, John Rahn, and Richard Karpen: CDCM Computer Music Journal, vol. 12 - "Composers in the Computer Age (I)"

User's Reports

88-89 - Vincent Blaise - The B&W Model 803 and 805 Loudspeakers
89-91 - Curtis Roads - The Lexicon 300 Spatial Processor

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 18 No. 1, Music Representation and Scoring 3 - Spring 1994


17-20 - Donald Byrd - Music Notation Software and Intelligence
21-29 - John Wm. Schaffer - Threader : A Computer Interface for the Graphical Entry, Encoding, and Analysis of Musical Scores
30-39 - Russ Ethington and Bill Punch - SeaWave: A System for Musical Timbre Description
40-52 - Guerino Mazzola and Oliver Zahorka - Tempo Curves Revisited: Hierarchies of Performance Fields
53-69 - Alan Belkin - Macintosh Notation Software: Present and Future
70-80 - Ian H. Witten, Leonard C. Manzara, and Darrell Conklin - Comparing Human and Computational Models of Music Prediction

Publication Reviews

81-83 - Jason Vantomme - Mira Balaban, Kemal Ebcioglu, and Otto Laske, editors: Understanding Music and AI: Perspectives on Music Cognition
83-85 - Donna Marie McCabe - Ray Jackendoff: Languages of the Mind: Essays on Mental Representation
85-86 - Dale Del Dotto - Mark Vail: Vintage Synthesizers

Recording Reviews

86-88 - Brad Garton - Ira Mowitz: A la Memoire d'un Ami
88-90 - Linda Dusman - The Contemporary Saxophone: John Sampen, Saxophones; works by Milton Babbitt, Charles Wuorinen, Morton Subotnik, and Marilyn Shrude

Product Reviews

90-91 - Vincent Le Blanc - E-Mu Vintage Keys Digital Sample Playback Module
91-92 - R. L. Blevins - File Effects: Sound Effects on CD

93-106 - Products anouncement

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 18 No. 2, Composition and Performance in the 1990s 1 - Summer 1994


21-29 - Roel Vertegaal and Ernst Bonis - ISEE: An Intuitive Sound Editing Environment
30-37 - William Schottstaedt - Machine Tongues XVII: CLM - Music V meets Common Lisp
38-48 - Barry Truax - Discovering Inner Complexity: Time-Shifting and Transposition with a Real-Time Granulation Technique
49-58 - Leigh Landy - Composition and Performance in the 1990s
59-77 - Larry Polansky - Live Interactive Computer Music in HMSL 1984-1992
78-86 - David A. Jaffe and W. Andrew Schloss - The Computer-Extended Ensemble

Event Reviews

87-96 - Robin Bargar, Insook Choi, Brad Garton, and Takebumi Itagaki - Four Views of the 1993 International Computer Music Conference - 10-15 September, 1993, Tokyo, Japan
96-98 - Mauri Kaipainen and Otto Laske - Two views of theFirst International Conference on Cognitive Musicology - 26-29 August, 1993, Jyvaskyla, Finland
98-101 - George W. Logemann - International Workshop on Knowledge Technology in the Arts - 16 September, 1993, Osaka, Japan

Publication Reviews

101-105 - Stephen Smoliar - Deryck Cooke: The Language of Music
105-106 - R. L. Blevins - Deta Davis: Computer Music Bibliography Supplement
106. - S. Schwerman - N. Fletcher and T. Rossing: The Physics of Musical Instruments

Product reviews

106-107 - M. Desnos - Opcode Galaxy Plus Editors for Apple Macintosh Computers
107-111 - Giancarlo Sica - Symbolic Composer for Apple Macintosh and Atari computers

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 18 No. 3, Composition and Performance in the 1990s 2 - Fall 1994


17-24 - Toru Iwatake - An Interview with Barry Truax


2-32 - Roger Johnson - Technology, Commodity, Power
33-44 - Edited by Stephen Travis Pope - Music and Computers: Composers Panel Discussion from the 1992 NEMO Festival
45-52 - John Whitney - To Paint on Water : The Audiovisual Duet of Complementarity
53-65 - B. Feiten and S. Guenzel - Automatic Indexing of a Sound Data Base using Self-Organizing Neural Nets

Event Reviews

66. - Tim Perkis - Musica Elettronica Viva: Frederic Rzewski, Alvin Curran, Richard Teitelbaum, and George Lewis-Mills College, Oakland, California USA, 12 February, 1994
66-68 - Donna McCabe - Diamanda Galas: Judgement Day-Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire USA, 23 November, 1993
68-75 - Craig Harris and Gregory Patrick Garvey - Two Reports on the Fourth International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA '93)-Minneapolis, Minnesota USA, 3-7 November, 1993

Publication Reviews

75-79 - Stephen W. Smoliar - David Lewin: Musical Form and Transformation: 4 Analytic Essays
79-82 - James Harley - Jean-Baptiste Barrière, Editor: Le Timbre - Metaphore pour la Composition
82-85 - Alicyn Warren - Douglas Kahn and Gregory Whitehead, Editors: Wireless Imagination: Sound, Radio, and the Avant-Garde
85-86 - Esther Hargs - Joseph Rothstein: Digital Musical Instruments and the World of MIDI

Recording Reviews

86-87 - B. Vestern - Gottfried Michael Koenig, Luc Ferrari, and Konrad Boehmer: Acousmatrix 1, 2, 3, and 5
87-89 - Michael Hamman - Kirk Corey: Music from the Ivory Tower and Elsewhere
89-91 - Jason Vantomme - Tod Machover: Flora

Product Reviews

91-93 - E. G. Graal - Passport Producer for Apple Macinotsh Computers

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 18 No. 4, The ZIPI Music Interface Language - Winter 1994


19-25 - Laurent Fourier - Jean-Jacques Perrey and the Ondioline


26-34 - Dominique M. Richard - Computer Music and the Post-modern: A Case of Schizophrenia
35-46 - Ludger Bruemmer - Using a Digital Synthesis Language in Composition
47-51 - Keith McMillen - ZIPI: Origins and Motivations
52-73 - Matthew Wright - The ZIPI Music Parameter Description Language
74-80 - Keith McMillen, David Simon, and Matthew Wright - A Summary of the ZIPI Network
81-85 - Matthew Wright - Examples of ZIPI Applications
86-91 - Matthew Wright - A Comparison of MIDI and ZIPI
92-96 - Matthew Wright - Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about ZIPI

Event Reviews

97-98 - Myriam Desainte-Catherine - Journees d'Informatique Musical (JIM'94)
98-100 - Joseph Rothstein - National Association of Music Merchants Convention and Expo, Anaheim, California, January 1994

Publication Reviews

100-101 - Michael Czeiszperger - Jeff Pressing: Synthesizer Performance and Real-Time Techniques
101-104 - Richard Parncutt - Diana Raffman: Language, Music, and Mind
104-106 - Marina Bosi - Leonello Tarabella with G. Bertini, A. Caioli, and A. Guerra: Informatica e Musica
106-107 - Peer Landa - Randall E. Stross: Steve Jobs and the NeXT Big Thing

Recording Reviews

107-110 - Stephen Beck and Rick Bidlack - CDCM Computer Music Series Volume 13 - The Virtuoso in the Computer Age III : Larry Austin, Laurie Spiegel, Joan La Barbara, Stephen Travis Pope
110-111 - Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner - Music from SEAMUS (Vol. 1)

Product Reviews

111-113 - Joseph Rothstein - Mark of the Unicorn Multiport MIDI Interface and Processor for PCs
113-118 - James Dashow - Sonitech SPIRIT-30/ISA Application Accelerator: a Signal Processing Board for IBM-PC and Compatibles, and IC-100-2 A/D and D/A Stereo Converter

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 19 No. 1, Synthesis and Transformation - Spring 1995


11-24 - Ed M. Thieberger - An Interview with Charles Dodge


25-63 - Stephen Travis Pope and Guido Van Rossum - Machine Tongues XVIII. A Child's Garden of Sound File Formats
64-75 - Mari Kimura - Performance Practice in Computer Music
76-87 - David A. Jaffe - Ten Criteria for Evaluating Digital Synthesis Techniques
88-98 - Gordon Monro - Fractal Interpolation Waveforms

Event Reviews

99-102 - David Keane - Synthese 1994: The 1994 Bourges Festival International de Musique Electroacoustique - Bourges, France, 3-11 June 1994
102-105 - Brian Belet - Technology and the Composer: The Continuing Tradition of Music Composed for Tape - Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, 12-15 June 1994, College Park, Maryland, USA, 10-12 November 1994

Publication Reviews

105-107 - Stephen W. Smoliar - David Butler: The Musician's Guide to Perception and Cognition
108-109 - Donna Marie McCabe - Steven R. Holtzman: Digital Mantras-The Languages of Abstract and Virtual Worlds
109-101 - Zane East - George E. Lewis: Voyager
110. - Allesandra Missoni - Sanjit Mitra and James Kaiser, editors: Handbook of Digital Signal Processing

Recording Reviews

110-112 - Jason D. Vantomme - Bruno Degazio, Gustav Ciamaga, John Celona, Robert Del Buono, Campbell Foster, and John Free: The Devil's Staircase: Composers and Chaos
112-114 - James Harley - David Mott, John Celona, Bruno Degazio, and James Tenney: Sound Pressure: Pressure Points
114-115 - Thomas DeLio - Shirish Korde: Rasa, Tenderness of Cranes
115-116 - Martin Hoff - Giuseppe Englert: A Portrait

Product Reviews

116-120 - Alan Belkin - Performer and Vision: A Comparative Review of Two Macintosh-based Sequencers
120-121 - Joseph Rothstein - Ultrasound Max Digital Audio and MIDI Card for Windows

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 19 No. 2, Artifical Intelligence and Music - Summer 1995


15-22 - Guido Van den Berghe, Bart De Moor, and Willem Minten - Modeling a Grand Piano Key Action
23-33 - Jeremy Leach and John Fitch - Nature, Music, and Algorithmic Composition
34-58 - Antonio Camurri, Alessandro Catorcini, Carlo Innocenti, and Alberto Massari - Music and Multimedia Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: the HARP System
59-75 - Eduardo Reck Miranda - An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Sound Design
76-96 - Gerhard Widmer - Modeling the Rational Basis of Musical Expression

Event Reviews

97-102 - Brad Garton, Mara Helmuth, and Anna Sofie Christiansen - Three Reviews of the 1994 International Computer Music Conference-Aarhus, Denmark, 12-17 September 1994
102-105 - Jonatas Manzolli and Carlos Cerana - Two Reports on the First Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music-Caxambu, Minas Gerais Brazil, August 2-4, 1994

Publication Reviews

105-107 - Robert Lalande - LIM Intelligent Music Workstation CD-ROM for Macintosh
107-110 - Jason D. Vantomme - Peter Desain and Henkjan Honing: Music, Mind and Machine: Studies in Computer Music, Music Cognition and Artificial Intelligence
110. - Tim Perkis - Gregory Kramer, Editor: Auditory Display: Sonification, Audification, and Auditory Interfaces

Recording Reviews

111. - L. Birch Thurston - Edgard Varese, Milton Babbitt, Roger Reynolds, Iannis Xenakis: Electro Acoustic Music Classics
111-112 - Tim Perkis - ARTSAT: Peter Battisti, Karlheinz Essl, Mathew Fuchs and Fritz Groz, Seppo Grundler, Josef Klammer and Winfried Ritsch, Richard Kreische, Andrea Sodomka

Product Reviews

112-113 - Erica Faber - MATLAB 4.1 with Signal Processing Toolbox for Macintosh computers

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 19 No. 3, Synthesis and Transformation - Fall 1995


13-17 - Edited by Stephen Travis Pope - Touched by Machine?-Composition and Performance in the Digital Age
18-25 - Paul Lansky and Kenneth Steiglitz - EIN: A Signal Processing Scratchpad
20-31 - Andy D. Houghton, Andy J. Fisher, and Thierry F. Malet - An ASIC for Digital Additive Sine Wave Synthesis
32-49 - Henkjan Honing - The Vibrato Problem: Comparing Two Solutions
50-59 - Jason D. Vantomme - Score Following by Temporal Pattern

Event Reviews

60-62 - Joel Segel - Dennis Miller, John P. Lamar, Michael Bierylo, Tom Plsek, Integrated Circus : Sound Performances with Microprocessors: Richard Boulanger, Charles Dodge, Neil Leonard III, Janet Underhill and Ean White - Mobius, Boston, Massachussets, USA, 13-15 January 1995
62-63 - Tim Perkis - Luc Houtkamp in Concert - Mills College,Oakland, Californa, USA, 5 April 1995 and Center for New Musicand Audio Technlogies, (CNMAT), Berkeley, California, USA, 6 April 1995
63-64 - Mark Danks - Emerging Voices Festival : Technology Concert : Cort Lippe, Jaroslaw Kapuscinski, Zack Settel, Vibeke Sorensen and Michael Theodore - University of California at San Diego, San Diego, California, USA, 28 February 1995

Publication Reviews

64-65 - Peter Otto - Samuel Pellman: An Introduction to the Creation of Electroacoustic Music
65-66 - Joseph Rothstein - Paul Lansky: More Than Idle Chatter
66-68 - Jason D. Vantomme - David Cope: Bach by Design - Experiments in Musical Intelligence

Product Reviews

68-69 - Jens Johannsen - OSC Deck II and 8-Track Tool for MacOS Computers
69-70 - Arnold Drive - Studer Dyaxis II Multi-track Production System
70-72 - Joseph Rothstein - Tascam DA-30 Mark II
72-73 - Joseph Rothstein - Sonic Foundry Sound Forge Version 3 Sample Editor for Windows
73-74 - Leslie Wilson - Arboretum Systems Hyperprism 1.5 Effect Processing Software for the Macintosh
74-75 - Neil Leonard - Lexicon PCM-80 Digital Effects Processor

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 19 No. 4, Sound Spatialization and Spatial Perception - Winter 1995


13-22 - Douglas Lyon - Using Stochastic Petri Nets for Real-Time Nth-order Stochastic Composition
23-46 - Gary S. Kendall - A 3-D Soudn Primer: Directional Hearing and Stereo Reproduction
47-57 - Davide Rocchesso - The Ball within the Box: A Sound-Processing Metaphor
58-70 - David G. Malham and Anthony Myatt - 3-D Sound Spatialization using Ambisonic Techniques
71-87 - Gary S. Kendall - The Decorrelation of Audio Signals and Its Impact on Spatial Imagery
88-92 - Alistair MacDonald - Performance Practice in the Presentation of Electroacoustic Music

Event Reviews

93-94 - Karl Reichmann - Press RETURN: The Palindrome Dance Company-Nuremberg, Germany, 25-27 May 1995
94-96 - Jim McManus - Richard Aldag, Brian Belet, Pablo Furman, Brent Heisinger, Theodore Lucas, Allen Strange, and Daniel Wyman: San Jose State University Faculty Concer-San Jose, California, USA, 27 April 1995

Publication Reviews

96-99 - Tom Rhea - Gayle Young: The Sackbut Blues-Hugh Le Caine: Pioneer in Electronic Music
99-101 - Dave Madole - Durand Begault: 3-D Sound for Virtual Reality
101-103 - Tom Daugerty - Stephen McAdams and Emmanual Bigand, editors: Thinking in Sound-The Cognitive Psychology of Human Audition

Recording Reviews

103-104 - Stephen David Beck - Larry Austin, Rick Chatham, Eugene De Lisa, Cort Lippe, Michael Matthews, and Rodney Waschka II: CDCM Computer Music Series, Vol. 16-The Composer in the Computer Age-II

105-109 - Products anouncements

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 20 No. 1, 20th Anniversary Issue: The State of the Art - Spring 1996


19-24 - Joshua Cody - An Interview with Paul Lansky
25-41 - Francis Richard Moore - Dreams of Computer Music - Then and Now
42-45 - Laurie Spiegel - That was Then - This is Now
46-48 - Johannes Goebel - "Freedom and Precision of Control"
49-51 - John R. Pierce - Computer Music, Coming and Going
52-56 - Roger B. Dannenberg - A Perspective on Computer Music
57-61 - Xavier Rodet - Recent Developments in Computer Sound Analysis and Synthesis
62-75 - Jean-Claude Risset and Scott Van Duyne - Real-time Performance Interaction with a Computer-Controlled Acoustic Piano
76-91 - Gunilla Berndtsson - The KTH Rule System for Singing Synthesis
92-101 - Larry Polansky and Tom Erbe - Spectral Mutation in Soundhack

Event Reviews

102-103 - Francois Pachet - JIM' 95: Journees d'Informatique Musicale, April 7-8, 1995, Paris, France
103-106 - Robert J. Owens - ACM SIGGRAPH 95, 6-11 August 1995, Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, California
106-108 - Anna Sofie Christiansen - Michael Alcorn, Nicky Hind, Peer Landa, Jorge Sad, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Summer Concert, Stanford, California USA, 20 July 1995

Publication Reviews

108-110 - T. X. Monda and Miller Puckette - Trevor Wishart: Audible Design
110-111 - L. S. DePaul - Jerome Markowitz: Triumphs and Trials of an Organ Builder

Recording Reviews

111. - R. R. von Rhein - Earl Howard: Pele's Tears
111-113 - Larry Wendt - Marc Battier, Henri Chopin: Transparence-an audiopoem
113-115 - Jonatas Manzolli - Wreckin' Ball: The Hub-Live Computer Network Music with guest artists Alvin Curran & The Rova Saxophone Quartet
115-117 - Donna McCabe - Christopher K. Koenigsberg: Brains-Audiophile Computer Music
117-118 - Lotte Heppner - Rainer Buerck and Frank Schweitzer: Beyond the Physical Scope

Product Reviews

118-119 - Neil Leonard - Bliss Paint for the Apple Macintosh

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 20 No. 2, Bringing Digital Music to Life - Summer 1996


17-27 - Larry Austin and Rodney Waschka, II - Computer Music for Compact Disc: Composition, Production, Audience
28-32 - Chris Brown, John Bischoff, and Tim Perkis - Bringing Digital Music to Life
39-43 - Horacio Vaggione - Articulating Microtime
34-56 - Giovanni DePoli - In Search of New Sounds
44-71 - Julius Orion III Smith - A Physical Modeling Synthesis Update
57-71 - Andrew Horner - Double-Modulator FM Matching of Instrument Tones
72-95 - Andrew Horner and James Beauchamp - Piecewise Linear Approximation of Additive Synthesis Envelopes: A Comparison of Various Methods
96-111 - Mira Balaban - The Music Structures Approach to Knowledge Representation for Music Processing

Event Reviews

112-120 - Peter Castine and Michael Hamman - Two Reports of the 1995 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)-The Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, Canada, 3-7 September 1995
120-122 - Christiane Ten-Hoopen - The International Congress in Music and Artificial Intelligence-Edinburgh, UK, 15-17 September 1995
122-124 - Darren Otero and Lynn F. Kowal - Music Mobile in Concert-Peabody Conservatory of Music, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland USA, 1 November 1995

Recording Reviews

124-127 - James Harley - Iannis Xenakis: La Légende d'Eer and Aïs, Gendy3, Taurhiphanie, Thalleen
127-128 - Ernest B. Hammer - Christian Clozier: Par Pangloss Gymnopède and Le temps scintille et le songe et savoir
128. - Jeanette Beaurelais - Implosions: Kolbeinn Bjarnason, flute
128-129 - Luc Corvet - Music from the Center for Contemporary Music at Mills College

Product Reviews

129-130 - Neil Leonard III - Radius VideoVision Studio, Macintosh Audio/Video Digitizing System

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 20 No. 3, The Search for Musical Constructs - Fall 1996


14-19 - Adriana Maratti - Music and Science: An Interview with Martino Traversa


20-23 - Curtis Roads - Early Electronic Music Instruments: Timeline 1899-1950
24-27 - Paul Berg - Abstracting the Future: The Search for Musical Constructs
28-30 - Karl Hirano - A Review of Electronic Musical Instruments
31-35 - Carla Scaletti - The Last 20 Years
36-37 - Ricardo Dal Farra - One Person's Perspective
38-46 - Perry R. Cook - Singing Voice Synthesis: History, Current Work, and Future Directions
47-58 - Pierre-Yves Rolland and Francois Pachet - A Framework for Representing Knowledge about Synthesizer Programming
59-69 - Vincent Lesbros - From Images to Sounds, A Dual Representation
70-78 - David Cooper and K.C. Ng - A Monophonic Pitch-tracking Algorithm Based On Waveform Periodicity Determinations Using Landmark Points

Event Reviews

79-80 - Anna Sofie Christiansen - Marcia Bauman, Michael Edwards, Jonathan Harvey, Lukas Ligeti, Servio Martin, Jonathan Norton, Fiammete Pasi, Marc Trevisani: Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Winter Concert-Stanford, California, USA, 10 February 1996
80-81 - Juan Pampin and Fernando Lopez-Lezcano - Antonio Barata, Brian Belet, Richard Festinger, Joshua Freid, Allen Strange, William Trimble, William Walker, Dan Wyman: San Jose State University (SJSU) School of Music Autumn Concert-San Jose, California, USA, 9 November 1995

Publication Reviews

81-82 - Michael Czeiszperger - Stanley Jungleib: General MIDI
82-84 - Michael Czeiszperger - Craig Anderton: Multieffects for Musicians
84-85 - Mary Simoni - Julie Anne Sadie and Rhian Samuel, Editors: The Norton/Grove Dictionary of Women Composers

Recording Reviews

85-86 - Jason D. Vantomme - Brian Reinbolt: It's Not That Simple
86-88 - James Bohn - Roger Reynolds: ElectroAcoustic Music

Product Reviews

88-94 - Mike Metlay - The Technics WSA1 Acoustic Modeling Synthesizer
94-96 - H. Forte - The Korg Prophecy Digital Synthesizer
96-97 - S. R. Weill - The Eternal Machine Plug-in Module for Sound Designer II on the Apple Macintosh
98-100 - Joseph Rothstein - The Unisyn Patch Editor/Librarian Software for Windows

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 20 No. 4, Accomplishments and Challenges - Winter 1996


11-16 - Brigitte Robindore - Eskhaté Ereuna: Extending the Limits of Musical Thought, Comments on and by Iannis Xenakis


17-20 - Tamami Tono - The Synthesis of Tradition and Technology
21-24 - Cort Lippe - Real-Time Interactive Digital Signal Processing: A View of Computer Music
25-26 - Mari Kimura - Computers for Performers-Crossing the Boundaries for the Future
27-28 - Barry Truax - Corporate and Public Definitions of Culture
29-32 - Eleanor Selfridge-Field - Computer Musicology: Accomplishments and Challenges
33-43 - Cindy Grande and Alan Belkin - The Development of the Notation Interchange File Format
44-59 - Kelly Fitz and Lippold Haken - Sinusoidal Modeling and Manipulation Using Lemur

Publication Reviews

60. - Ralph Ames - Morton Subotnick's Making Music

Recording Reviews

60-62 - Barnes Foster - Salvatore Martirano: Retrospective 1962-1992
62-64 - David Keane - Diane Thome: Palaces of Memory: Electro-Acoustic Music
64-65 - Tim Perkis - John Bischoff: The Glass Hand
66-67 - Rick Bidlack - Paul Dolden: L'ivresse de la vitesse (Intoxication by Speed)
67-68 - Rick Bidlack - Gilles Gobeil: La mecanique des ruptures (The Mechanics of Cleavage)
68-69 - Mark Trayle - Jim Horton: Simulated Winds and Cries
69-71 - Brad Garton - David A. Jaffe: XXIst Century Mandolin: Acoustic and Computer Music for the Mandolin
71-72 - Ernesto Gomez - Horacio Vaggione: Musiques pour piano et electroacoustique

Product Reviews

72-75 - Angelo Bello - PowerWave 32 Sound Card for IBM PC-Compatible Computers

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 21 No. 1, Composition and Performance in the 1990s 3 - Spring 1997


18-25 - Richard Povall - Speculative Sociological, Artistic, and Pedagogical Frameworks for the New Electronic Art
26-28 - Francisco Kroepfl - Electronic Music: From Analog Control to Computers
29-34 - Heinrich Taube - An Introduction to Common Music
35-38 - Tom Erbe - SoundHack: A Brief Overview
39-40 - Serge de Laubier - MIDI formers
41-42 - Mark Stramaglia - The BackToBasics Just-in-Time-Pre-Production Paradigm
43-46 - Michael Norris - SoundMaker Plug-Ins
47-57 - Masato Yako - The Hierarchical Structure of Time and Meter
58-67 - Irene V. Bakhmutova, Vladimir D. Gusev, and Tatiana N. Titkova - The Search for Adaptations in Song Melodies

Event Reviews

68-69 - Richard Parncutt - Regulation of Creative Processes in Music
69-71 - Nicola Bernardini - Tempo Reale Workshop on Physical Model Synthesis

Publication Reviews

71-72 - Felicia Horowitz - Andranick Tanguiane: Artificial Perception and Music Recognition

Recording Reviews

72-73 - Robert Hartmann - Larry Austin: Robert Keefe, Cindy McTee, James Petarski, Rowell Rogers, Rodney Washka II, Phil Winsor: A Larry Austin Retrospective and ...musics, metaphors, machines...
74. - Gavin Pitcher - Francoise Barrière: Francoise Barrière
74-77 - Vik Van Schoonhoven - Karlheinz Stockhausen: Oktophonie
75-79 - Carlos Palombini - The CD of the second symposium of the brazilian computer music association

Product Reviews

77-20 - Roy Drama - BIAS Peak Sound Editor

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 21 No. 2, Synthesis and Transformation - Summer 1997


10-39 - Neil Leonard III - Juan Blanco: Cuba's Pioneer of Electroacoustic Music
21-55 - Shaun Oates and Barry Eaglestone - Analytical Methods for Group Additive Synthesis
40-68 - Christophe Hourdin, Gerard Charbonneau, and Tarek Moussa - A Multidimensional Scaling Analysis of Musical Instruments' Time-Varying Spectra
56-68 - Christophe Hourdin, Gerard Charbonneau, and Tarek Moussa - A Sound Synthesis Technique Based on Multidimensional Scaling of Spectra
69-89 - Joseph A. Paradiso and Neil Gershenfeld - Musical Applications of Electric Field Sensing

Event Reviews

90-92 - Michael Voyne Thrall - Synthese 96: 26th International Festival of Electroacoustic Music, Bourges, France
92-93 - Kenny McAlpine - Brazilian Electroacoustic Music Concert, Glasgow, Scotland
93-94 - Leigh VanHandel - Digital Music Under the Stars, Stanford, California USA 1996

Recording Reviews

94-95 - Warren Burt - Joel Chadabe: After Some Songs
95-96 - Robert Cummings - Paul Lansky, Dodge, McTee, Floyd, Strange: The Composer In The Computer Age - III (CDCM Computer Music Series Vol. 18)
96-97 - Robert Cummings - Neil B. Rolnick: Requiem Songs
97-98 - Robert Cummings - Trevor Wishart: Tongues of Fire
98-99 - Ken Fields - David A. Jaffe : The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Product Reviews

99-105 - Herbert Bielawa - Sibelius 7 Music Notation Software
105-108 - Joseph Rothstein - Digidesign Audiomedia III for Windows Computers
108-110 - Joseph Rothstein - Mackie Micro Series 1402-VLZ Compact Mixer
110-112 - Joseph Rothstein - Yamaha VL70-m Physical Modeling Synthesizer

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 21 No. 3, Machine Tongues: Nyquist - Fall 1997


11-19 - Sandra Desantos - Acousmatic Morphology: An Interview with Francois Bayle


20-37 - David Cope - The Composer's Underscoring Environment: CUE
38-49 - Perry Cook - Physically Informed Sonic Modeling (PhISM): Synthesis of Percussive Sounds
50-60 - Roger B. Dannenberg - Machine Tongues XIX: Nyquist, a Language for Composition and Sound Synthesis
61-70 - Roger B. Dannenberg - Abstract Time Warping of Compound Events and Signals
71-82 - Roger B. Dannenberg - The Implementation of Nyquist, a Sound Synthesis Language
83-94 - Roger B. Dannenberg and Nick Thompson - Real-Time Software Synthesis on Superscalar Architectures

Event Reviews

95-98 - Marc Chemillier and Gérard Assayag - JIM 96: Third Journées d'Informatique Musical - Tatihou Island, Normandy, France
97-98 - Michael Land - International Conference on Computer Music and Music Science - Shanghai, China

Publication Reviews

98-100 - Karl Kaiser - Academie Bourges: Aesthetics and Electroacoustic Music
100-101 - Anna Laura Arpel - Joel Chadabe: Electric Sound: The Past and Promise of Electronic Music
101-102 - Claude Schimmel - Stan Tempelaars: Signal Processing, Speech, and Music
102-103 - Karl W. Putnam - David Cope: Experiments in Musical Intelligence

Recording Reviews

103-104 - Robert Cummings - Swiss Waves: Works from the Swiss Center for Computer Music 1985-1995
104-105 - Boris Schenker - Wesley Fuller and Thomas DeLio: 20th Century American Music for piano, violin, flute, percussion, and computer
105-106 - Anne Deane - New Music from the Americas, 3; Transmutations, music for voice, piano and electronics
106-107 - Claire Turner - Emit: 5595
107-108 - Velma Golea - Priscilla and Barton McLean: Rainforest Images
108. - Shirley Moss - Warren Burt: 39 Dissonant Etudes

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 21 No. 4, Modeling Analog Synthesis - Winter 1997


11-22 - Emmanuelle Loubet - The Beginnings of Electronic Music in Japan, with a Focus on the NHK Studio: The 1950s and 1960s
23-41 - John Lane, Dan Hoory, Ed Martinez, and Patty Wang - Modeling Analog Synthesis with DSPs
42-54 - Takebumi Itagaki, Peter D. Manning, and Alan Purvis - Distributed Parallel Processing: Lessons Learned from a 160-Transputer Network
55-85 - Andrew Horner - A Comparison of Wavetable and FM Parameter Spaces

Event Reviews

86-87 - Joseph L. Anderson - Two Concerts at the 27th International Festival of Electroacoustic Music - Bourges, France

Publication Reviews

88-89 - Carlos Palombini - Musica Electroacustica, edited by Florivaldo Menezes

Recording Reviews

89-94 - James Harley - Iannis Xenakis (Six Compact Discs)
94-95 - Roberta Marweg - Robert Black: State of the Bass
95-97 - Thorsten Plum - Gerald Eckert, Dirk Reith, Ludger Brümmer, Xavier Garavaglia, Rold Ollertz, and Friedhelm Hartmann (Three Compact Discs)
97. - John M. Woodbury - Barry Truax: Inside
97-99 - Larry Heyl - James Dashow - Thomas DeLio
99. - Jerry N. Tabor - Dean Anderson, Solo Percussion / Divinations

Product reviews

99. - H. Bernard Shaw - Hyperprism PPC for Mac OS
99-100 - Alex Kousnetsov and Kenneth Fields - SonicWORX Artist for Mac OS

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 22 No. 1, New Performance Interfaces - Spring 1998


13-24 - Bert Bongers - An Interview with Sensorband
25-29 - Serge de Laubier - The Meta-Instrument
30-48 - Lippold Haken, Ed Tellman, and Patrick Wolfe - An Indiscrete Music Keyboard
49-55 - Emmanuelle Loubet - The Beginnings of Electronic Music in Japan, with a Focus on the NHK Studio: The 1970s
56-72 - William Sethares - Consonance-Based Spectral Mappings

Publication Reviews

73-74 - Warren Burt - Joel Chadabe: Electric Sound: The Past and Promise of Electronic Music

Recording Reviews

75-77 - Jerry N. Tabor - Joji Yuasa, Pauline Oliveros, Otto Laske, Linda Dusman, Michael Hamman, Wesley Fuller, and Thomas DeLio: Electro Acoustic Music V
77. - Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner - Katharine Norman: London
78-79 - Claude Jerome - François Bayle: L'Expérience Acoustique and La Main Vide
79-80 - Ann Warde - Insook Choi, James Phelps, Zack Settel, and Frances White: The Composer in the Computer Age - VI
80-82 - Robert Cummings - James Dashow, Larry Austin, Joel Chadabe, Rodney Waschka, and Cort Lippe: The Composer In The Computer Age - VII

Product Reviews

82-84 - Joseph Rothstein - WaveLab Audio Editor for Windows
84-86 - Joseph Rothstein - Multi!Wav Digital Pro 18 Digital Audio Card
86-88 - Neil Leonard III - Lexicon MPX 1 Multiple Processor FX

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 22 No. 2, Nonlinear Systems - Summer 1998


12-19 - Dan Slater - Chaotic Sound Synthesis
20-34 - Gordon Monro and Jeff Pressing - Sound Visualization Using Embedding: The Art and Science of Auditory Autocorrelation
35-43 - Nick Porcaro, David A. Jaffe, Pat Scandalis, Julius Orion III Smith, Tim Stilson, and Scott Van Duyne - SynthBuilder: A Graphical Rapid-Prototyping Tool for the Development of Music Synthesis and Effects Patches on Multiple Platforms
44-51 - Gerhard Behles, Sascha Starke, and Axel Roebel - Quasi-Synchronous and Pitch-Synchronous Granular Sound Processing with Stampede II
52-55 - Jean Piché and Alexandre Burton - Cecilia: A Production Interface to Csound
56-64 - Bernard Bel - Migrating Musical Concepts: An Overview of the Bol Processor

Event Reviews

65. - Martín Alejandro Fumarola - Sixth Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival - University of Florida, department of music, Gainesville, April 1997
65-66 - John Richey - Morton Subotnick: Intimate Immensities - La Guardia Theater, New York City, 19 June 1997

Publication Reviews

66-67 - Curtis Roads - Elena Ungeheuer: Wie die elektronische Musik erfunden wurde...
67-68 - Vincent Lilith - Margaret M. Barela, Editor: Celebrating the Fortieth Anniversary of the Museum of Modern Art Tape Music Concert: Reflections on the History and Future of Electroacoustic Music
68. - Andrew Dawson - Kenneth Steiglitz : A Digital Signal Processing Primer, with Applications to Digital Audio and Computer Music
68-69 - Lucas Vanco - Allen D. Pierce: Acoustics: An Introduction to Its Physical Principles and Applications

Recording Reviews

69-71 - Jerry Tabor - Roger Reynolds: The Paris Pieces and Electro Acoustic Music V
71-73 - Stéphane Roy - Francis Dhomont: Cycle des profondeurs and Mouvances - Métaphores
73. - David Prior - Microstoria: Reprovisers
73-75 - Robert Cummings - Larry Austin and Lars Gunnar Bodin
75-76 - James Harley - Iannis Xenakis: Electronic Music, Diamorphoses, Concret PH, Orient-Occident, Bohor, Hibiki-Hana-Ma, S.709

Product Reviews

76-79 - Angelo Bello - Samplitude Studio 4.03 Digital Recording Software

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 22 No. 3, Physical Modeling of Musical Instruments - Fall 1998


8-16 - Brigitte Robindoré - Luc Ferrari: Interview with an Intimate Iconoclast


17-32 - Matti Karjalainen, Vesa Välimäki, and Tero Tolonen - Plucked-String Models, from the Karplus-Strong Algorithm to Digital Waveguides and Beyond
33-48 - Nicolas Szilas and Claude Cadoz - Analysis Techniques For Physical-Modeling Networks
49-61 - Fernando De Bernardinis, Roberto Roncella, Roberto Saletti, Pierangelo Terreni, and Graziano Bertini - A New VLSI Implementation of Additive Synthesis

Recording Reviews

62. - John Richey - Roger Cochini
62-63 - Alcides Lanza - Jon Appleton: Contes de la mémoire
64. - David Prior - Steven M. Miller: Subterranea
65-67 - Robert Cummings - Francesco Boschetto, Erik Mikael Karlsson, Luigi Ceccarelli, Daniel Zimbaldo, Mark Wingate, Mario Vernandi, Lothar Voigtlaender, John Christopher Nelson, Jonty Harrison, Jukka Ruohomaki, Alain Michon and Garnet Willis: Bourges 23rd Competition Prize Winners
67. - Tim Perkis - Circular Firing Squad (Eva Baumgartner, Xopher Davidson, David Kwan, Tim Walters): Oxide

Product Reviews

67-69 - Ken Fields - Opcode Studio Vision Pro, Version 3.5 for Mac OS
69-72 - Alex Kouznetsov - Korg Soundlink Digital Recording System
72-73 - Alex Kouznetsov - E-mu ESI-4000 Sampler
73-74 - Jack Garland - APB Tools Sigma1 Surround Matrix Mixer for ProTools TDM
74. - Chris DeGiere - Korg Z1 Synthesizer

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 22 No. 4, Dancing the Music - Winter 1998


19-28 - Mary Simoni - Profiles of Determination


29-43 - Wayne Siegel and Jens Jacobsen - The Challenges of Interactive Dance: An Overview and Case Study
44-62 - Dominik Hoernel and Wolfram Menzel - Learning Musical Structure and Style with Neural Networks
63-75 - Petri Toiviainen - An Interactive MIDI Accompanist

Event Reviews

76-78 - Eric Marty - San Francisco Contemporary Chamber Players and CNMAT in Concert - Center of arts theater, San Francisco, California, USA, 9 february 1998

Recording Reviews

78-79 - Laurie Radford - Claude Schryer: Autour
79-80 - Claire Durand - Stephane Roy: Kaleidos
80-81 - Laurie Radford - Jonty Harrison: Articles indéfinis
81-82 - James Bohn - Arne Nordheim: Electric
82-84 - Thomas Licata - Joji Yuasa
84-86 - Teresa Marrin - Carter Schollz, Hal Rammels, Ricardo Dal Farra, Mats Gustafsson, Larry Polansky, John Duesenberry, Sharan Leventhal, Nanc Zeltsman, Libby Van Cleve, Stephen Dressler, Albert Kuvesyn, Ivan Sokolovsky, Fances White and Ellen Band : The Aerial: #6, A Journal in Sound
86-87 - Teresa Marrin - Qwire: Qwire
87-88 - L. Roy Hubble - U&I/Arboretum Systems MetaSynth for Mac OS

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 23 No. 1, Modeling Meter and Harmony - Spring 1999


10-27 - David Temperley and Daniel Sleator - Modeling Meter and Harmony: A Preference-Rule Approach
28-40 - Desmond K. Phillips - Multirate Additive Synthesis
41-48 - Martín Alejandro Fumarola - Electroacoustic Music Practice in Latin America: An Interview with Juan Amenabar
49-56 - Stephen Travis Pope - Web.La.Radia: Social, Economic, and Political Aspects of Music and Digital Media
57-61 - Michael Berry - An Introduction to GrainWave
62-64 - Thierry Carron and Dominique Fober - Modularing: A Suite of MIDI Applications Modelled on the Analog Studio

Event Reviews

65-69 - Stephen Travis Pope and Alex Kouznetsov - The 1998 Home Theater and Specialty Audio Show (HiFi '98)
69-72 - Brian Belet - Second Santa Fe International Festival of Electroacoustic Music
72-75 - Ludger Bruemmer and Krzyztof Knittel - Two Reviews of Synthèse 98: The 28th International Festival of Electroacoustic Music
75-78 - Elainie Lillios - SEAMUS National Conference 1998
78-79 - Tim Perkis - Digital Music Under the Stars
79-82 - Ellen Waterman and James Harley - Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound
82-84 - Carlos Palombini - Fifth Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music: Super and Parallel Computing Applied to Music

Publication Reviews

83-86 - Ron Parks - Todd Winkler: Composing Interactive Music: Techniques and Ideas Using Max
86-87 - James Bohn - David Cope: Classical Music Composed by Computer: Experiments in Musical Intelligence
87-88 - Robert Cummings - Craig Burk: Text For Solo Voice, Times You Can Tell, Codes of Abstract Conduct
88-90 - Robert Cummings - David Mahler: The Voice of the Poet: Works on Tape, 1972-1986
90-91 - Patricia Dirks - Annette Vande Gorne: Impalpables: poemes de Werner Lambersy
91-92 - Patricia Dirks - Hildegard Westerkamp: Transformations
92-93 - Alcides Lanza - Pierre Boeswillwald: Chrysopée Électronique-Bourges, vol. 3

Product Reviews

93-94 - L. Roy Hubble - Micromat SoundMaker with SoundMagic FX for MacOS

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 23 No. 2, Compositional Processes - Summer 1999


11-18 - Natasha Barrett - Little Animals: Compositional Structuring Processes
19-30 - Kenneth Boyd McAlpine, Eduardo Reck Miranda, and Stuart Hoggar - Making Music with Algorithms: A Case-Study System
31-51 - Eric D. Scheirer and Barry L. Vercoe - SAOL: The MPEG-4 Structured Audio Orchestra Language
52-69 - Giuseppe Cuzzucoli and Vincenzo Lombardo - A Physical Model of the Classical Guitar, Including the Player's Touch
70-79 - Vincent Lesbros - Phonograms, Elastic Couplings, and Trajectories

Event Reviews

80-86 - Guy E. Garnett and Camille Goudeseune - Two Reviews of the 1998 International Computer Music Conference
86-87 - Davide Rocchesso and Jøran Rudi - Digital Audio Effects 1998, Barcelona, Spain
88-93 - Emmanuelle Loubet - International Computer Music Festival

Publication Reviews

93-96 - Warren Burt - Curtis Roads (with John Strawn, Curtis Abbott, John Gordon, and Philip Greenspun): The Computer Music Tutorial
96-97 - Michael Gogins - Douglas A. Lyon and Hayagriva V. Rao: Java Digital Signal Processing
97-98 - Robert Rowe - Eleanor Selfridge-Field, editor: Beyond MIDI: The Handbook of Musical Codes
98-99 - Kim Cascone - David Toop: Ocean of Sound: Aether Talk, Ambient Sound and Imaginary Worlds
99. - Alicia Lieu - Bill Purse: The Finale Primer: Mastering the Art of Music Notation with Finale
99-100 - Arthur Wooten - David M. Howard and James Angus: Acoustics and Psychoacoustics

Recording Reviews

100-103 - Jon Appleton - Bits and Pieces: EMS 30 years
103-104 - Robert Cummings - Andrew Czink, Susan Frykberg, Damián Keller, Giorgio Magnanensi, Hildegard Westerkamp, John Oliver: Harangue I
104-106 - Robert Cummings - The Frog Peak Collaborations Project
106-107 - James Bohn - Bob Gluck: Stories Heard and Retold
107-108 - Michael Gogins - Nick Peck: Positive Signal Flow
108-109 - Camille Goudeseune - Ossatura and Tim Hodgkinson: Dentro

Film Reviews

110-112 - Daniel Hosken - Steven M. Martin: Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey
112. - Kim Cascone - Iara Lee: Modulations

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 23 No. 3, Research and Development at IRCAM - Fall 1999


9-17 - Hugues Vinet - Recent Research and Development at IRCAM
18-34 - Xavier Rodet and Christophe Vergez - Nonlinear Dynamics in Physical Models: Simple Feedback-Loop Systems and Properties
35-49 - Xavier Rodet and Christophe Vergez - Nonlinear Dynamics in Physical Models: From Basic Models to True Musical-Instrument Models
50-58 - François Déchelle, Riccardo Borghesi, Maurizio De Cecco, Enzo Maggi, Butch Rovan, Norbert Schnell - jMax: An Environment for Real Time Musical Applications
59-72 - Gérard Assayag, Camilo Rueda, Mikael Laurson, Carlos Agon, and Olivier Delerue - Computer Assisted Composition at IRCAM: From PatchWork to OpenMusic
73-84 - Rolf Wöhrmann and Guillaume Ballet - Design and Architecture of Distributed Sound Processing and Database Systems for Web Based Computer Music Applications
85-102 - Stephen McAdams - Perspectives on the Contribution of Timbre to Musical Structure

Event Reviews

103-104 - Andrew May - Philippe Manoury: Jupiter - University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA

Recording Reviews

104-106 - Louis Ferdinand - IRCAM: Les années 90
106-109 - Robert Priest - Pierre Boulez: Répons, Dialogue de l'ombre double
110-111 - Laurie Radford - Compositeurs d'aujourd'hui: Ivan Fedele
111-112 - John Richey - Compositeurs d'aujourd'hui: Magnus Lindberg
112-115 - Alastair Bannerman - Compositeurs d'aujourd'hui: Philippe Manoury; Philippe Manoury: Pluton; Philippe Manoury: En écho, Neptune
115-117 - Douglas Geers - Compositeurs d'aujourd'hui: Tristan Murail
117-118 - Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner - Kaija Saariaho: Private Gardens

Publication Reviews

118-120 - Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner - Georgina Born: Rationalizing Culture: IRCAM, Boulez, and the Institutionalization of the Musical Avant-Garde

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 23 No. 4, Tonal Analysis and Genetic Techniques - Winter 1999


9-17 - Nyssim Lefford - An Interview with Barry Vercoe


18-32 - Heinrich Taube - Automatic Tonal Analysis: Toward the Implementation of a Music Theory Workbench
33-47 - Eric Wallin, Ronald D. Williams, and Maximo H. Salinas - Delta-Sigma Waveguides for Music Synthesis
48-58 - Andy K. K. Wong, S.H. Leung, and W. H. Lau - Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Resonator for the Electric Cello
59-73 - Anthony R. Burton and Tanya Vladimirova - Generation of Musical Sequences with Genetic Techniques

Event Reviews

74. - James Harley - Karlheinz Stockhausen: Mikrophonie I
74-75 - Joel Chadabe - The 1999 NAMM International Music Market
75-78 - Mark Ballora - McGill Faculty and Guests Series: A Concert of Live Interactive Works
78-79 - - Electroacoustic
79-82 - Ben Curry - AISB'99: Symposium on Musical Creativity
82. - John Richey - New Millenium-New Music: Karlheinz Essl
83-85 - Anna Sofie Christiansen - Juilliard Music Technology Center: Annual Concert
85-86 - Christine McCombe - Academy Now!: Academy Light & Magic
86-88 - James Harley - Journees d'Informatique Musicales 1999
88-92 - Warren Burt - Immersion

Publication Reviews

92-95 - Daniel Hosken - Charles Dodge and Thomas A. Jerse: Computer Music Synthesis, Composition, and Performance, Second Edition
95-98 - Carlos Palombini - Sylvie Dallet: Itineraires d'un chercheur-A Career in Research
98-100 - James William Sobaskie - Antonia Soulez, Francois Schmitz, and Jan Sebestik, eds: Musique, rationalite, langage. L'harmonie: du monde au materiau. (cahiers de philosophie du langage, n° 3)
100-101 - Donna McCabe - David Cope: Techniques of the Contemporary Composer
101-103 - Eric D. Scheirer - Niall Griffith and Peter Todd, eds: Musical Networks: Parallel Distributed Perception and Performance

Recording Reviews

103-104 - alcides lanza - Desde el Otro Lado [From the Other Side]: Electroacoustic music from Latin America
104-105 - James Bohn - David Tudor: Rainforest (Versions I & IV)
105-107 - Warren Burt - Barry Truax: Song of Songs; Christian Calon: Les corps eblouis
107-108 - Warren Burt - Miniatures concretes; Presence
108-110 - Anna Rubin - Susan Frykberg: Astonishing Sense of being taken over by something far greater than me
110-112 - Warren Burt - Gustav Ciamaga, Heinz-Josef Florian, Ron Fein, Bruno Degazio, Kirk Corey, Karl Mohr, Karlheinz Essl, Gordon Monro, James Harley, Robert Del Buono, and Martin Guertner: Roads to Chaos
112-113 - Warren Burt - Matthew Burtner: Portals of Distortion

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 24 No. 1, Expressive Deviations - Spring 2000


11-19 - Ronald Bruce Smith - An Interview with Tristan Murail
20-31 - Jim Purbrick - Automatic Synthesizer Articulation
32-42 - Nick Bailey and David Cooper - Perceptually Smooth Timbral Guides by State-Space Analysis of Phase Vocoder Parameters
43-56 - Hank Heijink, Peter Desain, Henkjan Honing, and Luke Windsor - Make Me a Match: An Evaluation of Different Approaches to Score-Performance Matching
57-69 - Antonio Camurri, Shuji Hashimoto, Matteo Ricchetti, Andrea Ricci, Kenji Suzuki, Riccardo Trocca, and Gualtiero Volpe - EyesWeb: Toward Gesture and Affect Recognition in Interactive Dance and Music Systems

Event Reviews

70-75 - Larry Austin - Synthese '99
75-78 - Mike Thorne - Plug.In
78-80 - Martin Gieseking and Dr. Albert Graf - Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music

Publication Reviews

80-82 - Anthony De Ritis - Perry R. Cook, ed.: Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound: An Introduction to Psychoacoustics
82-85 - Eric Scheirer - Marc Leman, ed: Music, Gestalt, and Computing: Studies in Cognitive and Systematic Musicology
85-87 - Mihu Iliescu - Balint Andras Varga: Conversations with Iannis Xenakis
87-88 - Eric Strother - Walter B. Hewlett and Eleanor Selfridge-Field, eds: Melodic Similarity: Concepts, Procedures, and Applications
88-89 - Kim Cascone - Kodwo Eshun: More Brilliant Than The Sun: Adventures in Sonic Fiction

Recording Reviews

90. - Anna Rubin - FirstAvenue: Shreds of Evidence
90-92 - Ross Feller - Mother Mallard's Portable Masterpiece Co. 1970-1973
92-93 - Warren Burt - watt ever
93-94 - alcides lanza - Allen Strange, Mickey Helms, Brian Belet, Michael Frengel, Dan Wyman, Doug Michael, Pablo Furman: Music from CREAM: Music for Players and Digital Media (CDMC Vol. 26)
94-95 - Ross Feller - Gerard Pape: Electroacoustic Chamber Works
95-96 - Warren Burt - Linda Ceff: Mistika
96-97 - alcides lanza - Phil Winsor, Jon Christopher Nelson, Yu-Cheng Tseng, Michael Thompson, Joseph Klein, Thomas Clark, Larry Austin: CEMIsonics: The Threshold of Sound (CDMC Vol. 27)
97-98 - Jon Appleton - Wendy Carlos: Clockwork Orange, Sonic Seasonings, Tales of Heaven and Hell

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 24 No. 2, New Implementations of Electroacoustic Classics - Summer 2000


10-21 - Larry Austin - Sound Diffusion in Composition and Performance: An Interview with Denis Smalley


22-30 - Trevor Wishart - Sonic Composition in "Tongues of Fire"
31-38 - Peter Hoffman - The New GENDYN Program
39-46 - Benny Sluchin - A Computer-Assisted Version of Stockhausen's "Solo for a Melody Instrument with Feedback"
47-59 - Tony S. Verma and Teresa H.Y. Meng - Extending Spectral Modeling Synthesis with Transient Modeling Synthesis
60-76 - Ali Taylan Cemgil, Peter Desain, and Bert Kappen - Rhythm Quantization for Transcription

Event Reviews

77-83 - John P. Young and Margaret Schedel - ICMC 99: International Computer Music Conference, Beijing, China, 22-28 October 1999
83-88 - David Birchfield, Doug Geers, and Johnathan Lee - Interactive Arts Festival: Columbia University, New York, New York USA, 6-9 April 1999
88-90 - Simone Tarsitani - Musica Scienza 1999, Centro Ricerche Musicali, Rome, Italy, 1-2 June 1999
90-92 - Eberhard Hueppe - Georg Hadju: Der Sprung, 2-3 October 1999, Muenster, Germany, Wireworks Orchestra, Pumpenhaus Theater, 2-3 October 1999
92-94 - William Hussey - Technology and Teaching Music - 1999 Annual Meeting for the Association for Technology in Music Instruction, Denver, Colorado USA, 14-17 October 1999
94-98 - Christopher Bailey, Oliver Schneller, Douglas Geers, and Elaine Thomazi - IRCAM@Columbia 1999 - Columbia University, New York, New York, USA 15-21 November 1999

Publication Reviews

98-100 - Thomas Licata - Jerry Tabor, ed.: Otto Laske: Navigating New Musical Horizons
100-102 - Eric D. Scheirer - Mark Kahrs & Karlheinz Brandenburg, eds.,: Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
102-104 - Paschall de Paor - Eduardo Reck Miranda: Computer Sound Synthesis for the Electronic Musician

Recording Reviews

105-106 - Kim Cascone - Caipirinha Music Architettura Series: Vol. 1 Savvas Ysatis & Taylor Deupree: Tower of Winds; Vol. 2 Tetsu Inoue: Waterloo Terminal; Vol. 3 David Toop: Museum of Fruit
106-108 - Philip Baczewski - CDCM Computer Music Series, Vol. 28: Larry Austin: SoundPlays, Cityscapes, SoundPortraits, 1993-96
108-109 - alcides lanza - Alessandro Cipriani and Stefano Taglietti: Il pensiero Magmatico
109-110 - James "Eye" Harley - The Residents: Wormwood: Curious Stories from the Bible

Multimedia Reviews

110-111 - Ann Warde - Alvin Lucier: 40 Rooms
112-113 - Colby Leider - Erich Neuwirth: Musical Temperaments
113-114 - James Bohn - CyberQuilt: An ICMA CD-ROM Anthology

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 24 No. 3, Winners of the Bourges Software Competition - Fall 2000


9-22 - Osvaldo Budon - Composing with Objects, Networks, and Time Scales : An Interview with Horacio Vaggione


23-29 - Anders Friberg, Vittorio Colombo, Lars Fryden, and Johan Sundberg - Generating Musical Performances with Director Musices
30-33 - Alfio Fazio - The PRIE MIDI Environment
34-37 - Andriy Biletskyy - Doctor Webern : A Visual Environment for Compter-Assisted Composition Based on Linear Thematism
38-41 - Netochka Nezanova - The Internet, A Musical Instrument in perpetal Flux
42-47 - Guillermo Pozzati - Gen : A Lisp Music Environment
48-68 - Thierry Delatour - Molecular Music : The Acoustic Conversion of Molecular Vibrational Spectra

Event reviews

69-70 - Frode Holm - NAMM 2000, International Music Market
70-71 - Marc Chemillier - Fourth Annual Mathematical Diderot Forum : Mathematics and Music

Publication reviews

71-74 - Shlomo Dubnov - Martin Russ : Sound Synthesis and Sampling
74-76 - James Harley - Marc Treib : Space Calculated in seconds : The philips Pavilion, Le Corbusier, Edgard Varèse
76-79 - Daniel Hosken - Howard W. Ferstler : The Digital Audio Music List : A Critical Guide to Listening
79-81 - Douglas Geers - Jennifer A. Lennon : Hypermedia Systems and Applications : World Wide Web and Beyond
81-84 - Anna Sofie Christiansen - Martin Supper : Elektroacoustische Musik und Computermusik : Geschichte, Ästhetik, Methoden, Systeme
84-86 - Bruce Quaglia - Charles Madden : Fractals in Music : Introductory Mathematics for Musical Analysis

Recording reviews

86-87 - Osvaldo Budon - Jorge Antunes : Musica Electronica 70’s I ; Musica Electronica 7’s II ; Musica Electronica 90’s I
87-88 - Patricia Dirks - Mary Lee Roberts : Six Compositions
88-90 - Amille Goudeseune - Jon Welstead and Yehuda Yannay : The Ghost in the Machine
90-91 - Anna Rubin - Ned Bouhalassa Aérosol
91. - Michael Gogins - Michael Kallstrom : Stories
92. - Holly Day - Mnemonists : Horde
92-93 - Michael Gogins - John Oliver : Icicle Blue Avalanche
93-95 - Thomas Licara - James Dashow, Thomas DeLio, Wesley Fuller, Shirish Korde : MUSIC/TEXT
95-96 - Patricia Dirks - Gary Berger, Michael Horowitz, Simon Jaunin, Martin Neukom, Kit Powell, Nicolas Sordet, Bruno Spoerri, and Harold Vasquuez : Swiss Center for Computer Music