THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 1 No. 1 - Spring 1977


4-37 - James Anderson Moorer - Signal Processing Aspects of Computer Music-A Survey
38-45 - John Snell - High Speed Multiplication
46-52 - Dexter Morrill - Trumpet Algorithms for Computer Composition
53-55 - Steve Saunders - Improved FM Audio Synthesis Methods for RealTime Digital Music Generation

Publication Review

56-58 - Description of Computer Music Publications from Stanford University

Products Of Interest

59-63 - Signetics NE570/571 Compressor/Expander; DBX 202 VCA; Datel DACs; Three Rivers DACs; Three Rivers PDP-11 Microprogram; AMD Fast Microprocessor Slices; TRW Multipliers; David Rosenboom Record; Prentiss Knowlton Record.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 1 No. 2 - Summer 1977


4-25 - John Snell - Design of a Digital Oscillator which will Generate up to 256 Low-Distortion Sine Waves in Real Time
26-29 - Francis Richard Moore - Table Lookup Noise for Sinusoidal Digital Oscillators
30-35 - Marc LeBrun - Notes on Microcomputer Music
36-38 - John Snell - Desirable Features of an Inexpensive Computer Used for Sound Synthesis
39-45 - James Anderson Moorer, John Michael Grey, and John Snell - Lexicon of Analyzed Tones (Part I: A Violin Tone)
46-54 - John M. Chowning - The Synthesis of Complex Audio Spectra by Means of Frequency Modulation
55-60 - Donald Byrd - An Integrated Computer Music Software System
62-63 - Dave Rossum - Some Thoughts on Microprocessors in Electronic Music

Record Reviews

61. - Gareth D. Loy - The Dartmouth Digital Synthesizer

Products Of Interest

63. - Solid State Music SSM 2020/2040; Serge Modular Music Systems Synthesizers; ALF Products S-100 Bus-compatible Music Synthesis PC Board; Logistics S-100 Bus-compatible Music Synthesis PC Boards; Rotron Fans; Heathkit Hl1 LSI-11 Microcomputer Kit; Spectra Sonics Audio PC Boards; Proceedings of the West Coast Computer Fair.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 1 No. 3 - Fall 1977


5-11 - Joel Chadabe - Some Reflections on the Nature of the Landscape within which Computer Music Systems are Designed
12-29 - James Anderson Moorer, John Michael Grey, and John Strawn - Lexicon of Analyzed Tones (Part II: Clarinet and Oboe Tones)
30-39 - Barry Truax - The POD System of Interactive Composition Programs
40-47 - Greg Armbruster - Ripples
48-52 - John M. Chowning - The Stimulation of Moving Sound Sources

Record Reviews

53. - John Strawn - Prentiss Knowlton: Unplayed by Human Hands

Products Of Interest

54-63 - AMD AM2903 High-Speed Microprocessor Slice; 12-bit Microprogram Controller; Monolithic Memories PROMs; TRW 12-bit MultiplierAccumulator IC; DATEL DACs; TT Low Pass Filters; KEF Speakers; Analog Devices 14-bit ADC; Texas Instruments 16-bit Microprocessor Modules; Technico 16-bit Microprocessor Starter Kit; Mini Micro Mart Scientific Calculator Interface; E-mu Synthesizers; Serge Modular Analog Modules for Spatial Location; Musecom Composition System; Chateau Engineering SCORTOS; PMI Companding DAC; Monolithic Memories 16-bit Multiply-Accumulate IC.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 1 No. 4 - Winter 1977


5-6 - H. G. Alles - A Portable Digital Sound Synthesis System
7-9 - H. G. Alles and Giuseppe DiGiugno - A One-card 64-Channel Digital Synthesizer
10-13 - H. G. Alles - A Modular Approach to Building Large Digital Synthesis Systems
14-15 - H. G. Alles - A 256-Channel Performer Input Device
16-21 - James Lawson and Max V. Mathews - Computer Program to Control a Digital Real-Time Sound Synthesizer
22-23 - Douglas Bayer - Real-Time Software for a Digital Music Synthesizer
24-31 - Martin Piszczalski and Bernard A. Galler - Automatic Music Transcription
32-38 - James Anderson Moorer - On the Transcription of Musical Sound by Computer
39-45 - Barry Truax - Organizational Techniques for C:M Ratios in Frequency Modulation
46-50 - William Schottstaedt - The Simulation of Natural Instrument Tones using Frequency Modulation with a Complex Modulating Wave
51-52 - Marc LeBrun - A Derivation of the Spectrum of FM with a Complex Modulating Wave
53-60 - Otto Laske - Towards a Theory of Interfaces for Computer Music Systems

Products of Interest

61-64 - Solid State Music $10 Oscillator IC and $7.50 Envelope Generator IC; Analog Devices 16-bit DAC 1136K; TRW TDC l O l OJ 100 nsec 16 x 16-bit Multiplier; Digital Equipment Corporation LSI-11/2 card; Zilog, Intel, Mostek, TI, Fairchild, GIC, National Semiconductor and Motorola 16-bit Microprocessors.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 2 No. 1 - Spring 1978


4-5 - Curtis Abbott - Machine Tongues I (The C programming language)
6-11 - David Oppenheim - Microcomputer to Synthesizer Interface for a LowCost System
12-18 - Joel Chadabe and Roger Meyers - An Introduction to the Play Program
19-23 - Curtis Abbott - A Software Approach to Interactive Processing of Musical Sound
24-31 - John W Gordon and John Michael Grey - Perception of Spectral Modifications on Orchestral Instrument Tones
32-37 - James Anderson Moorer - How Does a Computer Make Music ?
38-47 - Francis Richard Moore - An Introduction to the Mathematics of Digital Signal Processing. Part I: Algebra, Trigonometry, and the Most Beautiful Formula in Mathematics
48-59 - Chuck Hastings - A Recipe for Homebrew ECL

Record Reviews

60-61 - Gareth D. Loy - Sonic Landscapes by Barry Truax and Studies for Trumpet and Computer by Dexter Morrill

Products of Interest

62-64 - Zilog Z8000; Sequential Circuits Inc. Prophet 5; E-mu Systems $100 Synthesizer Voice Kit; Baskin, Bissot and Assoc. High-Quality VCA; Micor Inc. Coupland Digital Synthesizer; New England Digital Synclavier I.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 2 No. 2 - Summer 1978


4-8 - Curtis Abbott - Machine Tongues II (Programming)
9-12 - Robert Youngquist - The Error-Correcting Scheme in the 3M Digital Audio Mastering System
13-22 - Neil B Rolnick - A Composer's Notes on the Development and Implementation of Software for a Digital Synthesizer
23-31 - James Anderson Moorer, John Michael Grey, and John Strawn - Lexicon of Analyzed Tones (Part III: The Trumpet) : analysis and plotting programs
32-37 - Michael Manthey - The Egg: A Purely Digital Real-Time Polyphonic Sound Synthesizer
38-60 - Francis Richard Moore - An Introduction to the Mathematics of Digital Signal Processing. Part II: Sampling, Transforms, and Digital Filtering
61-62 - Curtis Roads - Automated Granular Synthesis of Sound

Publication Reviews

7-8 - Curtis Abbott - Marching to a Different Ratio (Interval and Xenharmonikon)

Products of Interest

62-64 - Intel 8086, Zilog Z8000, Motorola MC68000 Comparation; American Microsystems Inc. S2811 Signal Processing Chip.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 2 No. 3 - Fall 1978


7-9 - Curtis Abbott - Machine Tongues III (Data structures)

Publication Reviews

10. - Curtis Roads - Faire


11-15 - Curtis Roads - An Interview with Gottfried Michael Koenig


16-23 - Kurt H. Andersen - A Digital Sound Synthesizer Keyboard
24-29 - John Bischoff, Rich Gold, and Jim Horton - Music for an Interactive Network of Microcomputers

Conference Reports

30-32 - Curtis Roads - The Unesco Workshop on Computer Music at Aarhus, Denmark


33-42 - Guy Fedorkow, William Buxton, and Kenneth C. Smith - A Computer-controlled Sound Distribution System for the Performance of Electroacoustic Music

Conference Reports

43. - Papers from the 1977 International Computer Music Conference, La Jolla, USA

Products of Interest

44-46 - Curtis Roads - A Critical Look at Microprocessors-The MC68000
46-48 - Interactive Systems Corp. UNIX Workbench and C Language for the VAX; 3M Electronic Editing for Digital Mastering System; Advanced Micro Devices Am9511 Floating Point Arithmetic Chip; National Semiconductor Series 200 Computers; Alpheus Music Corporation Score Paper and Music Writing Supplies; Fairlight Instruments QASAR M8 Digital Synthesizer.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 2 No. 4 - Winter 1978

Record Reviews

6-7, 26-27 - Gareth D. Loy - New Directions in Music

Publication Reviews

7-8 - Bruce Pennycook - Walter Zimmerman: Desert Plants: Conversutions with 25 American Composers
8-9 - John Strawn - Edward Kobrin: Computer in Performance


10-20 - William Buxton William Reeves, Ronald Baecker, and Leslie Mezei - The Use of Hierarchy and Instance in a Data Structure for Computer Music

Conference Reports

21-27 - Curtis Roads - A Report on the 1978 International Computer Music Conference, Evanston, USA


28-38 - William Buxton, E. A. Fogels, Guy Fedorkow, Lawrence Sasaki, and Kenneth C. Smith - An Introduction to the SSSP Digital Synthesizer
39-45 - Otto E. Laske - Considering Human Memory in Designing User Interfaces for Computer Music

Products of Interest

46-47 - 3M Digital Lathe Preview Device; Summagraphic Bit Pad Digitizer; Sony PCM-1 Consumer Model Digital Audio Processor; Tim Orr High Quality DACs and ADCs; Whitesmiths Ltd. C for DEC Operating Systems; Selanar Corp. Graphics for DECwriters.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 3 No. 1 - Spring 1979


8-13 - Curtis Roads - Machine Tongues IV (Pascal)
14-17 - Jean-François Allouis - Use of High-Speed Microprocessors for Digital Synthesis
18-24 - Martin Piszczalski - Spectral Surfaces from Performed Music
25-29 - Martin Bartlett - Microcomputer-controlled Synthesis System for Live Performance
30-41 - Paul Berg - PILE-A Language for Sound Synthesis
42-47 - Maurice Rozenberg - Microcomputer-controlled Sound Processing Using Walsh Functions
48-55 - Curtis Roads - Grammars as Representations for Music

Record and Tape Reviews

6-7 - Thomas Blum - Herbert Brun: Project Sawdust
7. - Paul Wieneke - Jon Appleton: Music for Synclavier and Other Digital Systems

Products of Interest

57-61 - APL and LISP Engagement; Intel HMOS II Memories; Intersil, Inc. ICL7109 12-bit ADC; Ferris Sound High Quality Lowpass Filter; Serge Modular Music Systems Synthesizers; Analogic Corporation Low-Cost Array Processor; Tim Orr Microspeech Speech Synthesizer; Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-11/23 and LSI-11/23; Intel 2920 Analog Microprocessor; Dataland Scan-Note Music Printing System.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 3 No. 2 - Summer 1979


6-11 - Curtis Abbott - Machine Tongues V (Writing microcode for digital synthesizers)
13-28 - James Anderson Moorer - About This Reverberation Business
29-34 - Curtis Roads - A Tutorial on Non-Linear Distortion or Waveshaping Synthesis
35-43 - James Beauchamp - Brass Tone Synthesis by Spectrum Evolution Matching with Nonlinear Functions
45-52 - David L. Wessel - Timbre Space as a Musical Control Structure
53-61 - S. R. Holtzmann - An Automated Digital Synthesis Instrument

Publication Reviews

5. - D. Laszlo - New Music Distribution Service

Products of Interest

62. - Sony PCM-3200 24-channel Recorder and DRX-1000 Digital Reverberator; Western Electric UNIX V32 for the VAX; Mikros Systems MK-16 Computer; Burr-Brown DAC71 16-bit High Speed D/A; Analog Devices 14-bit Sample and Hold; Bubbl-Tec Bubble Memory for LSI-11.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 3 No. 3 - Fall 1979


6-11 - Richard Cann - An Analysis/Synthesis Tutorial, Part I
12-14 - John Myhill - Controlled Indeterminacy: A First Step Towards a Semi-Stochastic Music Language
16-24 - James Anderson Moorer, Alain Chauveau, Curtis Abbott, Peter Eastty, and James Lawson - The 4C Machine
25-27 - Martin Piszczalski - Spectral Surfaces from Performed Music, Part 2
28-37 - H. G. Alles - An Inexpensive Digital Sound Synthesizer
38-41 - - Abstracts from the Third Colloquium on Musical Informatics, Padua, Italy
42-49 - James Beauchamp - Practical Sound Synthesis Using a Nonlinear Processor (Waveshaper) and a Highpass Filter
50-53 - Marc Battier - A Composing Program for a Portable Sound Synthesis System

Record Reviews

54,58 - Paul Wieneke - Jean-Claude Risset
55,56,60 - Carl Stone and Curtis Roads - Anthology of Dutch Electronic Music, Vol. I

Publication Reviews

55,56,57,60 - Curtis Roads - Keynotes 8 - Musical Life in the Netherlands (1978/2)

Products of Interest

61-63 - Casheab SYN-10 32-channel Digital Sound Processor; Digital Music Systems DMX-1000; Winchester Disk Technology Review; Digital Audio Disks Technology Review; E-mu Systems Software for the 4060 Synthesizer; EGBtG Reticon Discrete-Time Signal Processing Devices; Audio Machinery Corporation Shared Access Memory System.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 3 No. 4 - Winter 1979


6-8 - Curtis Roads - Machine Tongues VI: ADA-A Complex Language
9-13 - Richard Cann - An Analysis/Synthesis Tutorial, Part II
14-25 - William Buxton, R. Sniderman, William Reeves, S. Patel, and Ronald Baecker - The Evolution of the SSSP Score Editing Tools
26-43,60 - Stephen McAdams and Albert S. Bregman - Hearing Musical Streams
44-49 - Dean Walraff - The DMX-1000 Signal Processing Computer


50-57 - Curtis Roads - An Interview with Harold Cohen

Record Reviews

58-59 - Thomas Blum - Computer Music-CNUCE-IEI

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 4 No. 1 - Spring 1980


8-21 - William Buxton, William Reeves, Guy Fedorkov, Kenneth C. Smith, and Ronald Baecker - A Microprocessor-based Conducting System
22-24 - Lawrence Sasaki and Kenneth C. Smith - A Simple Data Reduction Scheme for Additive Synthesis
25-35 - Paul Berg, Robert Rowe, and David Theriault - SSP and Sound Description
36-42 - Richard Cann - An Analysis-Synthesis Tutorial (Part III)
43-52 - James Dashow - Spectra as Chords
53-81 - Denis Lorrain - A Panoply of Stochastic 'Cannons'

Publication Reviews

82-84 - Richard Poor - Christopher Morgan, editor: Byte Book of Computer Music

Record Reviews

82. - G. Groberg - Rosenboom/Buchla: Collaboration in Performance
84-85 - Conrad Cummings - Computer Music from Colgate

Products of Interest

86-100 - PAiA 8700 Microcomputer for Music; Zilog Z-8000 C Cross-Compiler; Cambridge Development Lab S-100 Bus Graphic Interfaces; Buchla and Associates Touche; Sony 24-Channel Digital Audio Recorder, Digital Editor, Digital Sound Synthesizer; Three Rivers Corp. PERQ Computer; SuperscopeMarantz Inc. Pianocorder; Micropolis Corp. S-100 Winchester Disk; Digital Equipment Corp. VAX-11/580 and LSI-VAX; Signal Processing Chips from National and Bell Labs; NEC-Toshiba and NTT Musashino 256K RAM Memories; National Semiconductor 16032 32-bit Microprocessor; Whitesmiths Ltd. Idris and Yourdon Software Unix-like Operating Systems for the Z80; Motorola MC68000 News; MicroDaSys, Technical Systems Consultants, Hemenway Ass,ociates MC68000-based Microcomputer Systems; Fairlight CMI Music Composition Language; Con Brio ADS-100 Digital Sound Synthesizer; Eventide Clockworks Real-Time Analyzer; E-mu Systems Audity 5020 Digitally controlled Analog Synthesizer Board; Gyr Zug Modula and Portal Languages Literature; Music Technology Inc. Crumar GDS Digital Sound Synthesizer; Chrislin Industries LSI-11 /23 Desk-top Microcomputer; Digital Sound Corporation DSC-200 Multichannel Audio Conversion System.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 4 No. 2 - Summer 1980


6-12 - William A. Kornfeld - Machine Tongues VII: LISP
13-25 - Curtis Roads - Artificial Intelligence and Music
26-35 - Bo H. Alphonce - Music Analysis by Computer
36-40 - John Rothgeb - Simulating Musical Skills by Computer
41-59 - Stephen W. Smoliar - A Computer Aid for Schenkerian Analysis
60-65 - James R. Meehan - An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Tonal Music Theory
66-72 - John Rahn - On Some Computational Models of Music Theory
73-83 - Otto E. Laske - Toward an Explicit Cognitive Theory of Musical Listening

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 4 No. 3 - Fall 1980


3-24 - John Strawn - Approximation and Syntactic Analysis of Amplitude and Frequency Functions for Digital Sound Synthesis


25-39 - Curtis Roads - Interview with Marvin Minsky
40-47 - Patrick Greussay - Musical Software: Description and Abstractions
48-58 - Christopher Fry - Computer Improvisation
66-73 - John Strawn - Report from the 1980 Los Angeles Audio Engineering Society Convention (including Digital Sound Synthesizer Review), USA

Publication Reviews

59. - John Strawn - K. S. Fu: Syntactic Methods in Pattern Recognition
59-60 - John Strawn - Günter Schnitzler, editor: Musik und Zahl
61-62 - Christopher Fry - Patrick Winston: Artificial Intelligence
63. - Curtis Roads - Journal of Community Communications
64-65 - Curtis Roads - Nils Nilsson: Principles of Artificial lntelligence

Products of Interest

74-79 - National Semiconductor 16082 Virtual Memory Microprocessor; Intel Corp. iAPX 432 32-bit Microprocessor and iAPX 286 16-bit Microprocessor; Whitesmiths Ltd. Software Catalog; Motorola MC68000 Support Chips; National Semiconductor Digital Music Synthesis Chip; Mikros Systems MK-16 High-Performance 16-bit Microprocessor; 5-1 /4-Inch Winchester Drives; Foonly Inc. Computers; Computer Interface Technology Pensee II Microcomputer; Sequential Circuits Inc. Prophet 5; Color Terminals; Dastek $7500 400 Mbyte Winchester Disk; Scion Corp. Microangelo Microcomputer Graphic Subsystem; Bell Labs High-Speed Signal Processing Chip; Continental Specialties Corp. Solderable Breadboards; Advanced Micro Devices Z8000 Chip Set; Philips Compact Disk Introduction; Onyx Systems C8002 Z8000-based Microcomputer with UNIX-7.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 4 No. 4 - Winter 1980


4-14 - Glenn Krasner - Machine Tongues VIII: The Design of a Smalltalk Music System


15-22 - Curtis Roads - Interview with Max V. Mathews


23-44 - Stanley Haynes - The Musician-Machine Interface in Digital Sound Synthesis
45-59 - Max V. Mathews, Curtis Abbott - The Sequential Drum
60-65 - M. Yunik and G. W Swift - Tempered Music Scales for Sound Synthesis
66-84 - Gerald J. Balzano - The Group-theoretic Description of 12-Fold and Microtonal Pitch Systems

Products Of Interest

85-92 - Curtis Electro-Music and PAiA Analog Chips for Audio; Mark Williams Company and Microsoft UNIX Operating Systems; E-mu Systems AUDITY Computer-controlled Polyphonic Synthesizer; Ampersand Prophet Synthesizer Sequencer Link; Digital Microsystems HEX-29 Computer; E-mu 4070 Floppy-Disk Memory Unit for the AUDITY Synthesizer; Brilly Imports Records; Charles River Data Systems LSI-11 Systems; Digital Multimedia Control SBASS Sound Synthesizer for S-100 Microcomputers; New England Digital Corp. Synclavier II; Publison Audio Professional DHM 89 B2 Digital Audio Processing Computer; Mountain Hardware MusicSystem for Apple Computers; Analogic MP1926 DAC; Renaissance Systems LSI-11 and MC68000 Systems; Digital Audio Disks; 3M Digital Tape Recorders with Cross-Fade Capability.


94-95 - Paul Lansky - Two Fantasies on a Poem by Thomas Campion
94-95 - Stanley Haynes - Prismes - Opening Section
94-95 - James Dashow - Examples

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 5 No. 1 - Spring 1981


4-12 - James Anderson Moorer - Synthesizers I Have Known and Loved
13-33 - Curtis Abbott - The 4CED Program
34-50 - Gareth D. Loy - Notes on the Implementation of MUSBOX: a Compiler for the System Concepts Digital Synthesizer
51-64 - S. R. Holtzmann - Using Generative Grammars for Music Composition

Publication Reviews

65-73 - John Strawn - Wayne Bateman: Introduction to Computer Music
74-76 - Thomas Blum - Anthology of Dutch Electronic Tape Music, Vo1ume 2
77-78 - Conrad Cummings - Computer Generations
78-79 - John Strawn - Herbert Bruderer: Nichtnumerische Informationsverarbeitungs

Products of Interest

80-83 - Uniflex OS for MC68000 and 6809; Digital Equipment Corp. LSI-VAX; Microsoft Xenix OS; Digital Equipment Corp. VAX-11 / 750; Zilog Z9000; Memorex, 3M, Qantex, Irwin International, Kennedy Winchesters, Micro-Winchesters and Data Cartridges; Houston Instruments HIPAD Digitizer; Mitsubishi Digital Audio Tape Recorders; MicroDaSys MC68000-based Computer System; Digital Engineering VT-100 Graphic Extensions; TASA Touch Activated Switch Arrays.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 5 No. 2 - Summer 1981


10-19 - Gérard R. Charbonneau - Timbre and the Perceptual Effects of Three Types of Data Reduction
20-28 - Mark Kahrs - Notes on Very-Large-Scale Integration and the Design of Real-Time Digital Sound Processors
29-35 - Herbert Brün - Computer-plotted Graphics

Conference Reports

36-44 - John Strawn, with Curtis Abbott, Thomas Blum, Nan Earle, Dorothy Gross, Laurie Hollander, and Leland Smith - Report on the International Computer Music Conference, Queens College, 1980, New York, USA


45-61 - Kevin Jones - Compositional Applications of Stochastic Processes

Publication Reviews

62-66 - Julius Orion III Smith - IEEE: Programs for Digital Signal Processing
66-67 - R. Blevins - Sonus
67-68 - Thomas Blum - The CAMEO Dictionary of Creative Audio Terms

Record Reviews

68-70 - Thomas Blum - Parmegiani: De Natura Sonorum

Products of Interest

71-77 - MUSIC 11 Digital Sound Synthesis Software; Apollo Domain Computers; LMI and Symbolics LISP machines; Ontrax Corp. Dual-headed Winchesters Disks; Voicetek Cognivox Speech Recognition for Microcomputers; Sony Digital Audio Editor; Crown International Audio Amplifiers; Chromatics CGC-7900 MC68000-based Color-Graphics Computer; Terak 8600 Color Graphics Microcomputer; Burr-Brown and Hybrid Systems High-Resolution Digital-to-Analog Converters; Digital Audio Disk Update.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 5 No. 3 - Fall 1981

Conference Reports

7-27 - Curtis Roads - Report from the IRCAM Conference: The Composer and The Computer, Paris, France


28-44 - Marvin Minsky - Music, Mind, and Meaning
45-49 - Paul Lansky and Kenneth Steiglitz - Synthesis of Timbral Families by Warped Linear Prediction
50-56 - William Buxton, S. Patel, William Reeves, and Ronald Baecker - Scope in Interactive Score Editors
57-59 - Curtis Roads - A Note on Music Printing by Computer

Conference Reports

60-61 - James McConkey - Report from the Sixth Annual West Coast Computer Faire, San Francisco, USA
62-73 - S. Jerrold Kaplan - Developing a Commercial Digital Sound Synthesizer

Publication Reviews

74. - Francis Richard Moore - John Askill: Physics of Musical Sound
74-79 - Stephen W Smoliar - Douglas R. Hofstadter: Godel, Escher, Bach
79-81 - Douglas R. Hofstadter - Hofstadter's Reply to Smoliar
81-82 - James McConkey - Joseph J. Carr: Microcomputer Interfacing Techniques: AlD and DlA

Record and Installation Reviews

82-83 - Bruce Pennycook - Hubert S. Jr. Howe : Computer Music.
84. - Curtis Roads - Liz Phillips: Windspun.
84-86 - Conrad Cummings - Daniel Arfib: Musique Numerique, Larry Austin: Hybrid Musics, Easley Blackwood: Twelve Microtonal Etudes for Electronic Music Media
86-87 - Jared L. Manley - Jerry Hunt

Products of Interest

88-96 - Digital Music Systems MUSIC 1000 Language for the DMX 1000 Synthesizer; Cassettes from IRCAM/Radio France; Lambda, the VLSI Design Magazine; Supersoft Associates LISP for the TRS-80 Microcomputer; Analogic Corp. MP1926A DAC, MP2735 ADC and SHAD-2; Digital Audio Disks and Cassettes; Casio Portable Polyphonic Digital Keyboards; Intel iAPX 86/20 and 88/20 Numerical Data Processors; NEDCO Synclavier II Terminal Support; Quaquaversal Transmission; MegaSystems Synthesis Control System; Syntauri Ltd. alphaSyntauri for Apple II Computers; Sony Digital Audio Advances; E-mu Systems Emulator; 68000-based Computer Systems; Passport Designs' Soundchaser; The Mike Shop; Floating Point Systems Array Processors; Lingua Press; Mountain View Press' FORTH Publications.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 5 No. 4 - Winter 1981


7-21 - Lejaren Hiller - Composing with Computers: A Progress Report
22-24 - Jonathan Harvey - Mortuos Plango, Vivos Voco: A Realization at IRCAM
25-29 - Dexter Morrill - Loudspeakers and Performers: Some Problems and Proposals
30-35 - Giuseppe Englert - Automated Composition and Composed Automation
36-53 - Michael McNabb - Dreamsong: The Composition
54-65 - Otto Laske - Composition Theory in Koenig's Project One and Project Two
66-73 - Gary S. Kendall - Composing from a Geometric Model: Five-Leaf Rose

Publication Reviews

74. - Thomas Blum. - David Keane: Tape Music Composition
75. - Curtis Roads - INA/GRM: Repertoire Acousmatique 1948-1980
75. - D. Laszlo - Marc Battier and Barry Truax, editors: Computer Music, Composition Musicale Par Ordinateur. Report on an International Project including a Workshop at Aarhus, Denmark in 1978
75. - R. L. Blevins - Sandra Tjepkema: A Bibliography of Computer Music: A Reference for Composers
76. - Curtis Roads - Gottfried Michael Koenig: Protocol
77. - Curtis Roads - Alfred Blattner: Instrumentation/Orchestration
78. - John Strawn - E. Jansson and Johan Sundberg : Sound Generation in Winds, Strings, Computers
79. - John Strawn - Audio Engineering Society Anthologies

Record Reviews

80. - Martin Brody - John Duesenberry: 4 Movements for Tape and Prepared Piano
81. - Curtis Roads - Morton Subotnick: A Sky of Cloudless Sul f url After the Butterfly
82-83 - Peter Child - Computer Music from Colgate, Computer Music Journal, vol. II
84. - Jeffrey Risberg - Matthew Young: Recurring Dreams

Products of Interest

85-90 - Casheab Demonstration Tape; MIT Report on Data Flow and Music; KineticSystems Corp. Prism Synthesizer; Lexicon Audio Time Compressors; Genisco Computer Corp. Spacegraph; NEC Graphics Display Controller Chip; JBL 4430 and 4435 Bi-radial Studio Monitors; Syntauri Corp. alpha-Plus Software for alphaSyntauri; JVC Digital Audio Products; Burr-Brown Corp. PCM75 16-bit ADC for Audio; Interaction Systems TT-100 Touch-Sensitive Terminal.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 6 No. 1 - Spring 1982


7-17 - Stanley Haynes - The Computer as a Sound Processor: A Tutorial

Studio Reports

18-29 - Francis Richard Moore - The Computer Audio Research Laboratory at UCSD


30-41 - Chris Chafe Bernard Mont-Reynaud, and Loren Rush - Toward an Intelligent Editor of Digital Audio: Recognition of Musical Constructs
42-51 - Scott Foster, W. Andrew Schloss, A. Joseph Rockmore - Toward an Intelligent editor of digital audio : Signal processing methods
52-65 - John P. Stautner and Miller Puckette - Designing Multi-Channel Reverberators
66-73 - Michael J. Kowalski and Andrew Glassner - The N.Y.I.T. Digital Sound Editor

Publication Reviews

74. - Curtis Roads - Trends & Perspectives in Signal Processing

Products of Interest

75-78 - Hitachi PCMV 100 Digital Audio Recorder; InfoPro Systems UNIX Products; Ethernet Products; Modifying the Casiotone Instruments; Digital Music Systems DMX-1010 Computer Sound Processor; Fostex 350 Miniature Mixer; Burr-Brown PCMSO DAC; Japan Synthetic Rubber Company Pressure-Sensitive Conductive Rubber; Electronic Arts Research Algorithmic Music Language; NEDCO Synclavier II Digital Analysis/Synthesis; Sphere Electronics Digital Mixing Products.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 6 No. 2 - Summer 1982

Conference Reports

11-31 - John Strawn, Curtis Abbott, Plilip Baczewski, James Beauchamp, Thomas Blum, William Buxton, Peter Clements, G. Dietrich, Charles Dodge, Wes Fuller, Dorothy Cross, Robert Cross, David A. Jaffe, Gary S. Kendall, Dexter Morrill , Bruce Pennycook, Amy Quate, James Stiles - Report on the 1981 International Computer Music Conference, Denton, USA


32-44 - William Buxton, S. Patel, William Reeves, and Ronald Baecker - Objed and the Design of Timbral Resources

Conference Reports

45-51 - Hubert S. Jr. Howe - Report on the International Music and Technology Conference,Melbourne, Australia


52-60 - Daniel W. Cody - The RTMS Signal Processing Architecture

Conference Reports

61-64 - James McConkey - Report on the symposium on small computers in the arts
65-71 - Jonathan W. Bernard and Martin Brody - Report on the National Meeting of the Society for Music Theory, Los Angeles, USA


72-78 - Jacques Arveiller - Comments on University Instruction in Computer Music

Publication Reviews

79-83 - Thomas Blum - Hal Chamberlin: Musical Applications of Microprocessors
83. - Jared L. Manley - OP
84. - Curtis Roads - Patrick Henry Winston and Berthold Klaus Paul Horn: Lisp


84-85 - T. X. Monda - Soundings

Products of Interest

86-91 - Signal Processing Technology Software; Valid Logic Systems SUN Terminal; EMT 251 Digital Reverberator; MicroDaSys MiniFrame 68000 System; YAMAHA GS-1 Digital Synthesizer; Analog Devices AD7546 Low-Cost Monolithic 16-bit DAC; National Semiconductor 20-bit ADC; Digital Music Systems DMX-1010 Computer Sound Processor; Con Brio Scorewriter; Passport Designs Soundchaser Products; Canon LPB-10 Laser Printer; 32-bit Microprocessors; Folkways Record Catalog; Hazelcom McLeyvier Music Transcriber; Neve DSP Digital Mixing Console; JVC Digital Audio Cassette Deck.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 6 No. 3 - Fall 1982


8-21 - Henry Lieberman - Machine Tongues IX: Object-oriented Programming
22-32 - James Anderson Moorer - The Lucasfilm Audio Signal Processor
33-45 - John Snell - The Lucasfilm Real-Time Console for Recording Studios and Performance of Computer Music
46-64 - Charles Ames - Crystals: Recursive Structures in Automated Composition
65-71 - Maurice Rozenberg - Linear Sweep Synthesis
72-77 - Barry Truax - Timbral Construction in Arras as a Stochastic Process

Publication Reviews

78. - Curtis Roads - A. Barr and E. Feigenbaum: The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence
78-79 - D. Laszlo - M. Kondracki, M. Stankewicz, and F. Weiland: International Electronic Music Discography

Record Reviews

79-80 - Curtis Roads - Charles Dodge: Synthesized Voices
80. - Otto Steinhart - Laurie Spiegel: The Expanding Universe
80-81 - Gregory Patrick Garvey - G. Todd, D. Semegen, Thomas Wells, and J. Greenwald: Satan's Sermon and Other Electronic Fantasies
81-82 - Gregory Patrick Garvey - David Behrman: On the Other Ocean; Figure in a Clearing


82-83 - Gregory Patrick Garvey - Paul Earls: Modulations
83-85 - David Ahlstrom - Liz Phillips: Sunspots

Products of Interest

86-89 - Sony PCM-F1 Portable Digital Audio Recorder; Texas Instruments TMS 320 Signal Processing Chip; IEEE Proceedings of the Symposium on Small Computers and the Arts, Philadelphia, USA; Con Brio ADS 200-R Portable Digital Synthesizer; Penny & Giles 3000 Series Faders; MC68000 Microprocessor Developments; Crystal Musicworks Composium Directory of New Music; New Features of the E-mu Systems Emulator; Proceedings of the International Music and Technology Conference; Alpha Audio Sonex Acoustic Foam.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 6 No. 4 - Winter 1982


10-21 - Curtis Roads - A Conversation with James Anderson Moorer


22-35 - Sergio Cavaliere, Loreto Papadia, and Pasquale Parascandolo - From Computer Music to the Theater: The Realization of a Theatrical Automaton
36-40 - Julius Orion III Smith and James B. Angell - A Constant-Gain Digital Resonator Tuned by a Single Coefficient

Publication Reviews

41-42 - Curtis Roads - Barry Schrader: Introduction to Electro-acoustic Music
42-43 - Willie Hegel - P. Patton and R. Holoien: Computing in the Humanities
43-45 - R. Berger - John Withney: Digital Harmony
45-46 - Curtis Roads - Johan Sundberg, editor: Research Aspects on Singing

Record Reviews

46-47 - Conrad Cummings - Dartmouth Composers: Music from Dartmouth
47. - Gregory Patrick Garvey - Dary John Mizelle: Polyphonies/Spectral/Primavera

Products of Interest

48-50 - Association for the Promotion of New Music Catalog; Syntauri METATRAK 16-track Recorder/Sequencer for alphaSyntauri; G. K. Hall Music Reference Books; Special Publications Group Audio, Video and Staging Yearbooks; SUN Workstation Update; Elsevier Sequoia S.A. Interfaces in Computing; Buchla 400 Digital Sound Synthesizer; Forward Technology Inc. Gateway Workstation; Gray Laboratories BASYN Minstrel Synthesizer; Digital Equipment Corporation VAXStation VS-100; New Programs for Ursa Major 8X32 Digital Reverberator; Group Technology Circuits Electronic Music Circuits Textbook; Grid Systems Briefcase Compass Computer.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 7 No. 1 - Spring 1983


11-20 - William Schottstaedt - Pla: A Composer's Idea of a Language
21-24 - David Crawford and Jon Zeef - Gregory's Scribe: Inexpensive Graphics for Pre-1600 Music Notation
25-36 - Tommaso Bolognesi - Automatic Composition : Experiments with SelfSimilar Music.
37-43 - Johan Sundberg, Anders Askenfelt, and Lars Frydén - Musical Performance: A Synthesis-By-Rule Approach
44-65 - David Parks - Hardware Design of a Digital Synthesizer

Publication Reviews

66-67 - David Keane - Ernest Robson and Larry Wendt: Phonetic Music/Electronic Music
67-68 - Curtis Roads - Henri Chopin: Poesie Sonore Internationale
68. - Curtis Roads - Alvise Vidolin and Nicoletta Polo, editors: Sollettino 1
68-70 - E. Amelia Rogers - James Dashow and Paul Lansky: Computer Directions

Records Reviews

70-71 - W. Holden - Melby, Perera, Grippe, and Johnson: International Electronic Music
71. - David F. Place - Conlon Nancarrow: Complete Studies for Player Piano-The Music of Conlon Nancarrow
72-73 - Kimball P. Stickney - Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center: Tenth Anniversary Celebration
73-76 - Curtis Roads - Louis and Bebe Barron: Forbidden Planet; Pierre Henry: Le Microphone Bien Tempere
76-77 - Curtis Abbott - David Rosenboom: Future Travel

Products of Interest

78-79 - High Performance Review; epsilon Music Software; Disc Instruments Inc. 200 Series Low-Cost Trackball Controller; 360 Systems Digital Keyboard; Analogic Corporation AP500 Array Processor; Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 1 1 / 730.


80-81 - Johan Sundberg, Anders Askenfelt, and Lars Fryden - Sound Examples
80-81 - Johan Sundberg, Anders Askenfelt, and Lars Fryden - Charles Dodge: Any Resemblance Is Purely Coincidental Excerpts
80-81 - Johan Sundberg, Anders Askenfelt, and Lars Fryden - Jean-Claude Risset : Songes Three Excerpts

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 7 No. 2 - Summer 1983

Conference Reports

8-35 - Thomas Blum, Curtis Abbott, Carry Austin, Marc Battier, James Beaucham, James Dashow, Wesley Fuller, Dorothy Gross, E. Hargs, Gary S. Kendall, Otto Laske, Gareth D. Loy, Joseph Marc, Bruce Pennycook, Stephen Pope, John Strawn - Report on the 1982 International Computer Music Conference, Venice, Italy
36-42 - Curtis Roads - Report on the International Conference on Musical Grammars and Computer Analysis, Modena, Italy


43-55 - Kevin Karplus and Alex Strong - Digital Synthesis of Plucked-String and Drum Timbres
56-69 - David A. Jaffe and Julius Orion III Smith - Extensions of the Karplus-Strong, Plucked-String Algorithm
70-74 - Curtis Roads - A Report on SPIRE: An Interactive Audio Processing Environment

Publication Reviews

75-76 - Curtis Roads - Manfred Clynes, editor: Music, Mind, and Brain: The Neuropsychology of Music
76-77 - David Horowitz - Diana Deutsch, editor: The Psychology of Music

Record Reviews

77-78 - Laurie Spiegel - Jon Appleton: Four Fantasies for Synclavier
78-79 - John P. Stautner - Dennis Smalley: The Pulse of Time
79-80 - David F. Place - Michael Redolfi: Immersion; Pacific Tubular Waves
80. - Horace M. Dixon - Larry Austin, et al.: Computer Music
80. - George Stetten - Francois Bayle: Tremblement de Terre Tres Doux

Products of Interest

81-85 - Opus One Catalog; American Music Discography; Apple Macintosh; 3Com Corp. Multibus Ethernet Controller; Syntauri Scoring Aid; Mouse Systems M-1 Mice; Audix Assignable Audio Console; Soundstream Digital Audio Editing; Lexicon PCM-42 Digital Delay Processor; American Music Journal; Lisp Machines-LMI, Symbolics, and Xerox.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 7 No. 3 - Fall 1983


6-15 - Francis Richard Moore - A General Model for Spatial Processing of Sounds


16-24 - Curtis Roads - Interview with Paul Lansky

Conference Reports

25-30 - James McConkey - The Second Annual Symposium on Small Computers in the Arts, Philadelphia, USA


31-36 - Goffredo Haus - EMPS: A System for Graphic Transcription of Electronic Music Scores

Publication Reviews

37-38 - Joel Chadabe - Paul Griffiths: Cage
38-39 - R. L. Blevins - Ear Magazine East

Record Reviews

39. - Ernest Lee Hammer - Karlheinz Stockhausen: Der Jahreslauf
39-40 - Curtis Roads - Oskar Sala: Elektronische Impressionnen
40-41 - David F. Place - Barry Truax: Androgyne-Electroacoustic and Computer Music
41-42 - Edward LePoulin - Joel Chadabe: Rhythms
42. - Curtis Roads - Electronic Art Ensemble

Products of Interest

43-47 - Digital Multi-Media Control SBASS-2 DAC Controller System; Pixel Inc. 80 Workstation; Xerox Corp. Mockingbird Report; Digital Audio Recorders for Home Use; EMT 540 Digiphon; Denon Corp. DN-036ED Random Access PCM Editing System; DBX 700 Digital Audio Processor; Buchla & Associates 406 Digital Synthesizer; Roland CMU-800R Compu Music Sound Synthesizer; Larking Movement Drum Computer; Burr-Brown PCMS2JG-V and PCMS3JG-V DACs; F. V Hunt's Electroacoustics Book; Datatronic Ltd./EMS Synthi 100 Update.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 7 No. 4 - Winter 1983


8-26 - Giovanni DePoli - A Tutorial on Digital Sound Synthesis Techniques
27-32 - Gottfried Michael Koenig - Aesthetic Integration of Computer-Composed Scores
33-39 - Colin Banger and Bruce Pennycook - Gcomp: Graphic Control of Mixing and Processing


40-44 - Larry Polansky - Interview with David Rosenboom


45-56 - Charles Ames - Stylistic Automata in Gradient

Publication Reviews

57-58 - Curtis Roads - A. W J. G. Ord-Hume, guest editor: Early Music
58-60 - John Strawn - Ronald Pellegrino: The Electronic Arts of Sound and Light
60-61 - Gareth D. Loy - Allen Strange: Electronic Music-Svstems, Techniques, and Controls, 2nd ed
61-62 - Ernest Lee Hammer - Edward C. Carterette and Morton P. Friedman, editors: Handbook of Perception
62-63 - David F. Place - Myron Krueger: Artificial Reality

Record Reviews

63-66 - Gary S. Kendall - Jean Piche: Heliograms
66-70 - Curtis Abbott - Clarence Barlow: “ogluotob¸sisletmesi
70-72 - Gregory Patrick Garvey - Ivan Tcherepnin: Electric Flowers

Products of Interest

73-78 - TMS32O Software; The MIDI Standard; YAHAMA DX Series Digital Synthesizers; Marice Stith Recording Services; Magnavox/Philips Compact Audio Disk Players; Ariel RTA 331 Spectrum Analyzer and Sound Recorder for the IBM PC; Excelsior s.p.a. Digisyzer Digital Accordion; E-mu Systems Drumulator Drum Computer; Tandy Corp. CGP-115 Low-Cost Printer; Matsushita Erasable Optical Disk; TEAC FXZ-100 Digital Tape Recorder; Professional Audio Buyers Guide; Tab Books; Kurzweil 250 Digital Keyboard Instrument; Digital Multiplier Chips.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 8 No. 1 - Spring 1984


9-21 - David Levitt - Machine Tongues X: Constraint Languages
22-27 - Joel Chadabe - Interactive Composing: An Overview
28-42 - Keith Shindler - Dynamic Timbre Control for Real-Time Digital Synthesis

Conference Reports

43-47 - Julie [Kathleen J.] White - Digicon 1983, Vancouver, Canada


48-51 - Jon Appleton - Live and in Concert: Composer/Performer Views of Real-Time Performance Systems

Publication Reviews

52. - Curtis Roads - H. Nakajima, T. Doi, J. Fukuda, and A. Iga: Digital Audio Technology

Publication Reviews

53. - Curtis Roads - Jonathan Dunsby, editor: Music Analysis

Record Reviews

53-55 - Paul Wieneke - IRCAM - Un Portrait
56. - Curtis Roads - Zoltán Pongrácz: 144 Sounds, Electronic Music
57-58 - Gregory Patrick Garvey - Elliott Schwartz: Extended Piano
59-60 - Barry Truax - Pietro Grossi: 24 Capricci by Niccolo Paganini

Products of Interest

61-64 - Motorola 68020 32-bit Microprocessor; DSP Systems AP-4 Multibus Array Processor; Softsearch International Software-Locator Service; Intelligent Software Systems C Graphics Software Package; Electronic Arts Research DACs and Interface Buffer; Agfa-Gevaert PEM297D Digital Audio Tape; Crown International, Inc. Delta Omega 2000 Power Amplifier; Mark Williams Company Coherent Unix-Compatible OS for IBM PC; , William Kaufmann, Inc. Artificial Intelligence Coloring Book; Microsoft Corp. Xenix 3.0 OS for IBM PC, Radio Shack 5000 and Apple Lisa; Electro-Harmonix 64-Second Digital Looping Recorder; ADCs and DACs for Microcomputers; Decillionix DX-1 Sound Processor for Apple; Intech ADC and DAC Boards for Digital Audio; Measurement Systems Inc. 531 Joystick with Push-Button Handle; Digital Equipment Corp. MicroVAX and VAX-11 / 725; Academic Press Paperback Edition of The Psychology of Music; Soft Stuff Music Set Analysis; UMI Research Press Studies in Musicology Book Series.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 8 No. 2 - Summer 1984

Conference Reports

7-23 - Robert Gross, Conrad Cummings, Deta Davis, Ruth Dreier, Craig Harris, Mark Kahrs, Stephan Kaske, Dexter Morrill, Bruce Pennycook, Stephen Pope and John Strawn - Report on the 1983 International Computer Music Conference, Rochester, USASAUSA


24-40 - Louis C. Barbeau and M. J. Corinthios - A Tutorial on the Construction and Operation of a High-Quality Audio Conversion System

Conference Reports

41-47 - James McConkey - Report on the Third Annual Symposium on Small Computers in the Arts, Philadelphia, USA


48-54 - Horacio Vaggione - The Making of Octuor

Conference Reports

55-58 - Kathleen J. White - Report on the 74th Audio Engineering Society Convention, New York, USA
59-60 - James McConkey - Report from the Synthesizer Explosion, New York, USA

Publication Reviews

61. - Paul Demarinis - Jaron Lanier: Moondusi
61-62 - Curtis Roads - Musicworks

Record Reviews

62-63 - Jaron Lanier - Ron Kuivila and Nicolas Collins: Going Out with Slow Smoke
63. - R. H. Bales - Hans Werner Henze: Tristan
64. - Joel Chadabe - Giuseppe Englert: juralpyzoc ... GZ50
64-65 - Ernest Lee Hammer - Pierre Henry and Gilbert Artman: Urban Sax/Paradise Lost
65-68 - David Keane - Randall, Ceely, and Del Monaco: Electronic Music

Products of Interest

69-73 - 1750 Arch Records Record by Michael McNabb; RolandCorp Piano Plus HP-400 Computer; LTX Corp. Testing PCM Audio Circuits Brochure; Electronic Arts Music Construction Set Software Package; Red Shift Magazine; Gold Line Digital Spectrum Analyzer; 1984 New Music Distribution Service Catalog; Passport Designs Polywriter Music Printing Option; Seiko Digital Synthesizers; Sequential Circuits Model 64 MIDI Sequencer; W H. Freeman and Co. The Science of Musical Sound Book; E-mu Systems Drumulator Options; Alice AS5 Audio Switching Matrix; Polhemus Navigational Sciences 3SPACE Digitizer and Tracker; Texas Instruments Nu Machine Computer System; The Alien Group Voicebox for Microcomputers.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 8 No. 3 - Fall 1984


9-14 - Xavier Rodet - Time-Domain Formant-Wave-Function Synthesis
15-31 - Xavier Rodet, Yves Potard, and Jean-Baptiste Barrière - The CHANT Project: From Synthesis of the Singing Voice to Synthesis in General
32-50 - Xavier Rodet and Pierre Cointe - FORMES: Composition and Scheduling of Processes

Conference Reports

51-59 - David Keane - The Bourges International Festival of Experimental Music: A Retrospective, Bourges, France


60-73 - Claude Cadoz, Annie Luciani, and Jean-Loup Florens - Responsive Input Devices and Sound Synthesis by Simulation of Instrumental Mechanisms: The Cordis System
74-78 - Jonathan Harvey, Denis Lorrain, Jean-Baptiste Barrière, and Stanley Haynes - Notes on the Realization of Bhakti

Publication Reviews

79-80 - Leslie Heeter - Derek Bailey: Musical Improvisation
80-82 - Otto Laske - Psychomusicology

Record Reviews

82-84 - James Dashow - Ton Bruynel: Electronic Music
84. - William Schottstaedt - Charles Dodge: Cascando, and John Harbison: Full Moon in March
84-85 - Stephan Kaske - Computer Music from the Outside In
85-88 - Christopher Yavelow - Luc Ferrari: Presque Rien
88. - Conrad Cummings - Marice Stith: Marice Stith Plays Contemporary Literature for Trumpet
88-89 - R. L. Blevins - Elektronische Musik

Concert Reviews

89-90 - Curtis Roads - Berio and Scriabin: Two Cambridge Concerts
90. - Curtis Roads - Earl Howard: The Music of Earl Howard

Products of Interest

91-98 - Altered Media Project Grand Canonical Ensemble Digital Synthesizer; IEEE Proceedings of the Symposium on Small Computers and the Arts; Mode Record Service; Canon LBP-CX Desktop Laser Printer; Fallen Leaf Press Index of Perspectives of New Music; Key Concepts Notebender Keyboard; NTP Elektronik A/S 582 Programmable Equalizer; Electronic Music Games and Toys; 1982/83 Composium Directory of New Music; RS-232 Made Easy Book; LIMB 3 Proceedings; Micro Technology Unlimited Digisound-16 A/D/A Converters; Matsushita 16-Track Digital Recorder; Whitesmiths Unix-Compatible Systems; RolandCorp MPU-401 MIDI Processing Unit; RolandCorp MSQ-700 Digital Keyboard Sequencer; Apple Macintosh Computer; U.S. Design DEC and Multibus-Compatible Mass-Storage System; Studer A810 Tape Recorder; SpringerVerlag Signal Processing and Computer Books; Revox B225 Compact Disk Player; RolandCorp BOSS DD-2 Foot Pedal Digital Delay; John Wiley & Sons Artificial Intelligence Books; AgfaGevaert PEM 428 One-mil Studio Mastering Tape; Vistar Corp. 620 Digitally Tunable Lowpass Filter; Digital Keyboards Inc. Synergy Plus Digital Synthesizer.


99-100 - Xavier Rodet, Yves Potard, Alejandro Vinao, Jean-Baptiste Barrière - CHANT Examples
99-100 - Jean-Baptiste Barrière - ChrÈode (Excerpts)
99-100 - Kaija Saariaho - Vers le Blanc (Excerpt)
99-100 - Jonathan Harvey - Bhakti for 15 Instruments and Tape (seven excerpts)

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 8 No. 4 - Winter 1984


13-19 - Philip Greenspun - Audio Analysis I: Phase Correction for Digital Systems
20-34 - Christopher Fry - Flavors Band: A Language for Specifying Musical Style
35-42 - Dorothy Gross - Computer Applications in Music Theory: A Retrospective
43-44 - Emile Tobenfeld - A General-Purpose Sequencer for MIDI Synthesizers


45-54 - Richard Boulanger - Interview with Roger Reynolds, Joji Yuasa, and Charles Wuoriner

Conference Reports

55. - Otto Laske - Notes on the International Conference on Music, Reason, and Emotion, Ghent, Belgium

Publication Reviews

56-64 - Peter Child - Fred Lehrdahl and Ray Jackendoff: A Generative Theory of Tonal Music
65-66 - Christopher Yavelow - Samuel Adler: The Study of Orchestration
67. - Curtis Roads - John R. Pierce: The Science of Musical Sound

Record Reviews

68. - David F. Place - James Dashow: Computer Music, Musica Elettronica
69. - Thomas Wells - Michael McNabb: Computer Music
71-73 - Thomas Blum - Herbert Brün: Compositions
74-75 - David Keane - Denis Smalley, Simon Emmerson, and Treavor Wishart: Mouth Music, Performed by Singcircle, Conducted by Gregory Rose

Concert Reviews

76-78 - Brooke Wentz - New Horizons

Products of Interest

79-83 - Sound Composition Systems Serial-to-MIDI Converter; Software for Apple Macintosh Computers; Olschi Editore Musical Grammars and Computer Analysis Book; Audio+Design Recording Propack 2 Adapter for the Sony PCM-F1; YAMAHA Computer Music Products; Meyer Sound Laboratories Speakers; LehrWare Metawave Software Package for the alphaSyntauri; Compusonics DSPs; Apogee Acoustics Scintilla Speaker; Musicdata Musical Software; Sony and Studer Stereo Digital Tape Recorders; Sony Digital Audio Mixer; Ursa Major 323 Digital Reverberator; Eventide Spudsystem DSP; RolandCorp MM-4 MIDI Thru Box; Digital Reverberators; Meyer Sound Laboratories Time Correction Filter; Raad Instruments Electric Violins; Digital Press Inc. Common LISP Book; Melodian Songbird Synthesizer for the Commodore64; Micro Technology Unlimited DigiSound-16; ADA Signal Processor Digital Multi-Effects.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 9 No. 1 - Spring 1985


11-18 - Jean-Claude Risset - Computer Music Experiments, 1964-....


19-28 - Stephan Kaske - A Conversation with Clarence Barlow


29-38 - Barry Truax - The PODX System: Interactive Compositional Software for the DMX-1000
39-44 - Kenneth Gaburo - The Deterioration of an Ideal, Ideally Deteriorized: Reflections on Pietro Grossi's Paganini Al Computer

Studio Reports

45-58 - Carla Scaletti - The CERL Music Project at the University of Illinois

Publication Reviews

59-60 - Otto Laske - Johan Sundberg, editor: Studies in Musical Performance
60-61 - Martha Cotton - Kenneth Gaburo, editor: Allos
61. - Alexander Trask - Digital Audio Magazine
61. - K. Tanawa - Blesser, Locanthi, and Stockman, Jr.: Digital Audio

Record Reviews

62. - William Matthews - Conrad Cummings and Chinary Ung: Beast Songs/Tall Wind
63-65 - Andrea Houtkin - Harrison et al.: Lukas Foss conducts the Brooklyn Philharmonic
65-66 - Paul Lehrman - George Todd and Barry Schrader: Voicemask, Emergence l Trinity
66. - Ernest Lee Hammer - Ragnar Grippe: Ten Temperaments
66-68 - Hubert S. Jr. Howe - Kreiger, Matthews, and Tanenbaum: Amezican Composers Alliance Recording Award
68-71 - Gregory Patrick Garvey - Warren Burt: Foul Pieces for Synthesizer, Studies

Products of Interest

72-83 - Exploring MIDI Book; ExperTelligence LISP and LOGO for Apple Macintosh; Philips CD-Subcode Processor/Editor; Documenta Belgicae-Musique Book; LIMB 4 Proceedings; Kurzweil Applied Intelligence KSC2408 Digital Filter Chip; MIT Press Foundations of Computer Music Book; W H. Kaufmann Inc. Computer Music and Digital Audio Books; Sogitec-TNA 4X Real-Time Digital Signal Processor; Professional Modifications for Sony PCM 701 ES; CLUE Digital Audio for Sony PCM-F1/701; Harmonia Mundi Acustica BW 102 Professional Digital Audio Interface; PCS/Cad-mus Computer Music System; PPG Waveterm Synthesizer; Longman, Inc. Computer Music and Analog Music Books; Neotek Mixing Consoles; E-mu Systems Emulator II; Decillionix Operating System for Sound Sampling; Peavey Electronic Corp. DECA Series Digital Energy Conversion Amplifier; Beilfuss Performance Synthesizer; Sensors Journal of Machine Perception; Logical Microcomputer Co. Megamicro 32-bit Systems; AKG K-340 Headphones; Addison-Wesley Artificial Intelligence Books; Tektronic 4044 Artificial Intelligence System Computer; Acustica and Journal of the Acoustical Societv of America Acoustics Journals; DIGI-ATOM 4800 Analog-toMIDI Interface; YAMAHA REV-1 Digital Reverberator; PAiA Catalog; Polhemus Price Cut; Publison Infernal Machine 90 Audio Computer System; Mark of the Unicorn Macintosh Music Editor; Audio and Design/Calrec XTXl29 Low Noise, High-Performance Preamplifier; University of Toronto Press Alternative Voices Book; Gaines Audio AD-1 Active Direct Box.


84. - Excerpts from the music of Jean-Claude Risset.
84. - Excerpts from the music of Clarence Barlow.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 9 No. 2 - Summer 1985


9-19 - Christopher Fry - Audio Analysis II: Read-Only Optical Disks

Conference Reports

20-40 - Goffredo Haus, Nicolas Bernardini, James Dashow, Giovanni DePoli, Eugenio Giordani, Mauro Graziani, Richard Karpen, Andrea Libretti, Curtis Roads, Maurizio Rubbazer, Nicola Sani, Sylviane Sapir, Daniele Torresan, Barry Truax, Elio Verdi - Report from the 1984 International Computer Music Conference, Paris, France


41-48 - Gareth D. Loy - About AUDIUM: A Conversation with Stanley Shaff


49-52 - M. Yunik, M. Borys, and G. W Swift - A Digital Flute

Conference Reports

53-59 - James McConkey - Report on the Fourth Annual Symposium on Small Computers in the Arts, Philadelphia, USA

Publication Reviews

60. - Curtis Roads - David Droman: Exploring MIDI

Record Reviews

60-61 - Joseph Paul Taylor - TM+, Trio Instrumental Electroacoustique
62-63 - Leslie Heeter - Neil B. Rolnick: Solos
63-64 - Paul Lehrman - Bruno Spoerri and Betha Sarasin
64-66 - Robert J. Owens - Tod Machover: Light; Soft Morning, City!
66. - Curtis Roads - Pierre Schaeffer: Parole et Musique
67. - Ernest Lee Hammer - Gilbert Amy: Une Saison en Enfer
67-68 - Andrea Houtkin - New Music from Iowa

Concert Reviews

68-70 - Paul D. Lehrman - Boston Musica Viva: Music for Instruments and Electronics

Products of Interest

71-79 - Hinton Instruments MIDIC Computer-to-MIDI Interface; Epsilon MProlog; Mimetics Corp. Data/7 Software for the DX7; Houghton-Mifflin Passion for the Piano Book; Franz Inc. Franz LISP; The Journal of Logic Programming; Synergy II Plus Update; Studer DASH Format Audio Recorder; Audio Kinetics Inc. Q.LOCK Audio/ Video synchronizer; Garfield Electronics Mini Doc Instrument Synchronizer; GEM G30 Portable Keyboard Instrument; Eventide H969 ProPitch Harmonizer; Hayden Software Company MusicWorks for the Apple Macintosh; RolandCorp SBX-80 SMPTE/MIDI Synchronizer Box; WERSI Condor DX-100 Digital Keyboard Instrument; Digital Sound Effects; LehrWare Sound Library for the alphaSyntauri; Synchronous Technologies ; SMPL System Low-Cost SMPTE Timecode System; Ensoniq Mirage Digital Sampling Keyboard; Hybrid Arts MIDITRACK Atari/MIDI Sequencer; Personal Composer Software for the IBM PC/XT; Octave-Plateau Electronics IBM PC Interface for Voyetra Synthesizer.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 9 No. 3 - Fall 1985


7-12 - Mira Balaban and Neil V. Murray - Machine Tongues X: Prolog
13-23 - Julius Orion III Smith - Fundamentals of Digital Filter Theory
24-38 - Anthony Agnello and Steve Hoge - A Development System for Real-Time Digital Audio Signal Processing
39-51 - John Duesenberry - The Yamaha CXSM Music Computer: An Evaluation
52-67 - Christopher Yavelow - Music Software for the Apple Macintosh
68-79 - Philip Greenspun - Audio Analysis III: Hi-Fi Video Recorders

Publication Reviews

80-81 - Gareth D. Loy - Curtis Roads and John Strawn, editors: Foundations of Computer Music
81-84 - Christopher Fry - Harold Abelson, Gerald Sussman, and Julie Sussman: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
84. - Ernest Lee Hammer - William J. Strong and George R. Plitnick: Music, Speech, High Fidelity

Record Reviews

85-86 - Andrea Houtkin - Branchi, Mollia, Baggiani-Nottoli, Giordani: INSOUND 1; and Razzi, Doati, Graziani, Rampazzi: INSOUND 2

Products of Interest

87-93 - 4X from Digital Music Systems; Sony Digital Audio Products; Yamaha Computer Music Products; EMT-Gotham Systex Computerized Audio Retrieval System; Roland Standard MIDI Song Format; Technos 16-pi Digital Synthesizer; Nakamichi MR-1 Professional Cassette Recorder; Expertelligence Experlisp and Experlogo Languages for Macintosh; Kurzweil Music Systems MacAttach for Kurzweil 250; E-mu Systems Sound Designer for Emulator II and Macintosh; Apple Computer Macintosh Laserwriter; MusPrint for Macintosh; Eidco Resources Film Music Tool Kit for Apple Computers; Grandmaster Inc. MusicEase Automatic Bass Accompaniment for IBM PC; Hafler P505 Power Amplifier; Micro Networks MN5420 Floating-Point ADC; La Ma de Guido Computerized Music Printing Service; Editing Services Timecode Software for Apple II Computers; RolandCorp SBX-80 SMPTE Synthesizer Box; Kurzweil Music Systems KSC2048 Digital Filter Chip; Spanta Inc. ATR-1 Real-Time Analyzer.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 9 No. 4 - Winter 1985


8-26 - Gareth D. Loy - Musicians Make a Standard: The MIDI Phenomenon
27-37 - Jim Miller - Personal Composer
38-48 - David A. Jaffe - Ensemble Timing in Computer Music
49-61 - Steven R. Newcomb - LASSO: An Intelligent Computer-based Tutorial in Sixteenth-Century Counterpoint


62-65 - Henning Lohner - Interview with Robert Moog

Publication Reviews

66. - Curtis Roads - Nicola Sani, editor: Musica Informatica l lndustria
66-67 - S. W Cooper - Bonaventura Anthony Paturzo: Making Music with Microprocessors
67-69 - Joseph Paul Taylor - Musicworks: The Music of james Tenney
69-70 - Otto Laske - Nouritza Matossian: Iannis Xenakis

Record Reviews

70-71 - Richard L. Swank - Experimental Music Studios, University of Illinois: In Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Experimental Music Studios
71-72 - Joseph Paul Taylor - David Tudor: Pulsersl Untitled
72-73 - Roscoe Farmer - Elliot Mazer and Loren Rush, producers: The Digita1 Domain

Products of Interest

74-85 - The Droid Works SoundDroid; MIDI Interface for the Apple Macintosh; MIDI Interface for the Radio Shack Color Computer; Total Music Software; MIDIMAC Interface from Opcode Systems; Denon Digital 4-Track Recording System; Micro-computer-controlled Audio Performance System; Monster Alpha Two Cartridge and CD Cable; IEEE Publications, VLSI Signal Processing; Favorite Music Systems Audio Cable and Minimonitors; Sound Choice Magazine; Lync Performance Keyboard; MIDI Support for Decillionnix Sampler; Michael McNabb Computer Music Compact Disk; Forte MIDI-MOD for Acoustic Pianos; Fairlight CMI Series III; Korg Digital MIDI Recorder with Disk; Korg DW8000 Digital Synthesizer; EMT 448 Digital Audio Spot Recorder; ExperOPSS for the Apple Macintosh; Octave-Plateau Sequencer Plus for the IBM PC; Moog Song Producer for Commodore Computers; Synclavier II Updates; Programmable Metronome/ Synthesizer; Professional Audio Cassette Decks; Yamaha QX7, DXS, DX2l, KX88, TX7, RX2l.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 10 No. 1 - Spring 1986


13-16 - Curtis Roads and John Snell, with Curtis Abbott and John Strawn - A History of Computer Music Journal
17-36 - Nicola Bernardini - Contents of Computer Music Journal Volumes 1-9, 1977-1985
37-39 - Nicola Bernardini - Author lndex of Computer Music Journal Volumes 1-9, 1977-1985
40-63 - Curtis Roads - Symposium on Computer Music Composition
64-86 - Donald Byrd and Christopher Yavelow - The Kurzweil 250 Digital Synthesizer
87-94 - Philip Greenspun and Charles F. Stromeyer III - Audio Analysis IV Compact Disk Players
95-96 - Jon Appleton - Report on the Stockholm Electronic Music Festival VII and the ICEM Conference on Electroacoustic Music

Publication Reviews

97-99 - John Strawn - Robert Cogan: New Images of Musical Sound
99-100 - H. Wiley Hitchcock - Curtis Roads, editor: Composers and the Computer
100-102 - Marco Stroppa - Goffredo Haus:Elementi di Informatica Musicali
102. - Andrew L. Webern - Goffredo Haus and Gianni Orlandi, editors : Atti del Quinto Colloquio di Informatica Musicali (Proceedings of the fifth Colloquium on Colmputer Music

Record Reviews

102-103 - Conrad Cummings - Stephen Montague : Slow dance on a burial ground
103-104 - Andrea Houtkin - Wendy Carlos : Digital moonscapes
104-105 - Tom Plsek - Nicolas Collins : Let the state make the selection

Products of interest

106-117 - Image and audio systems ; Grove dictionary of musical instruments ; IVL pitchrider products ; Linn 32-track MIDI sequencer ; Prophet 2000 digital sampling keyboard ; 8-mm digital audio and video format ; Sony DAT digital audio cassette standard ; Cherry lane technologies MIDI software : Fairlight voicetracker ; Deluxe music construction set for the macintosh ; STAX electrostatic headphones ; Rayna systems synth-in-a-box ; Morel mini-monitors ; Computers and music ; Electro acoustic music ; Wendel jr high-quality digital drum machine ; audio research SP11 preamplifier ; Nakamichi PA-7 Amplifier ; PRODIGI format for digital audio ; Proceedings of the fifth symposium on small computers in the arts ; Digital reverberator / Processor ; Digital audio synchronizer ; Sony CD mastering system ; Low-cost alesis digital reverberator ; LISP for PC-DOS/MS-DOS ; Octace-plateau MIDI interface for IBM PC ; DX/TX for IBM PC ; MIDI Ensemble for IBM PC; Sound-lab dynastat loudspeacker ; David Keane : AURORA AND Barry Truax : Sequence of Earlier heaven ; Armonyx digital synthesizer for IBM PC ; Music processing system for IBM PC ; Mirage macintosh software ; Smalltalk for IBM-PC/AT ; CD-ROM Development stations ; CD-ROM for the emulator II

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 10 No. 2 - Summer 1986


10-32 - Craig Harris Vaughn D’Alia, Paul Berg, Nicola Bernardini, Thomas Blum, Michael Century, Roger Dannenberg, Denis l’Espérance, John Free, JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, Paul Lansky, Ira Mowitz, Curtis Roads, Alan Schindler and John Strawn - Report on the 1985 International Computer Music Conference
33-38 - Curtis Roads - Musica e Tecnologia: Report on the Sixth Italian Computer Music Conference
39-43 - Curtis Roads - The Tsukuba Musical Robot
44-50 - Curtis Roads - The Second STEIM Symposium on Interactive Composition in Live Electronic Music
51-55 - Nicola Bernardini - Subject Index of Computer Music Journal Volumes 1-9, 1977-1985
56-68 - David Keane - The 1985 Bourges Festivalal: A Report
69-74 - James F. McConkey and Ruth Dreier - Report on the Fifth Annual Symposium on Small Computers in the Arts

Publication Reviews

75. - Otto Laske - Barry Truax: Acoustic Communication
76-77 - John Gordon - Anders Askenfelt, S. Felicetti, E. Jansson and J. Sunberg, editors: SMAC 83
77-80 - Jm Snyder - John Strawn, editor : Digital Audio Signal Processing : An anthology
80-81 - Ernest Lee Hammer - Friedrich Hommel, editor : Algorithmus, Klang, Nature : Abkehr von Materialdenken ?

Record reviews

81-82 - David Poyourow - Joel Chadabe : Settings for Spirituals, Solo
82-85 - Donald Byrd - Richard Teitelbaum : Blends and the Digital Pianos

Products of interest

86-94 - The DCS Audio Products DAP-1 Signal Processor ; Promidi Studio System for the IBM PC ; The Misubishi X-850 32-track Digital Tape Recorder ; The Sequential Circuits Prophet VS Synthesizer ; The prophet 2002 Rack-mount Digital Sampling Synthesizer ; Roland MKS-20 Digital Piano Sound Module ; Prophet 200 Expander ; The 16-bit A/D/A Converters for IBM PC ; Sound Designer 2000 for Apple Macintosh ; The 16-bit DACs for $11 from BurrBrown ; Sound Designer 1.1 ; Korg DVP-1 Digital Voice Processor ; Korg SG-1 Sampling Grand ; Hugh Le Caine record ; Greengale Productions DS :3 Synthesizer for Apple II ; Mirage Digital Multi-Sampler ; Trevor Wishart : on sonic art ; Korg DSS-1 Sampling synthesizer and updates ; Sony Writable Optical Disk Drive ; Musica Digitale ; Publications on computer Music from Standford ; Personal Composer Version 2.0 ; Tecmar Music Synthesizer for IBM PC ; Casio Digital Synthesizers ; Syntec Keyboard Controler for Commodore 64 ; Roland Digital Drum Set.

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 10 No. 3 - Fall 1986


11-47 - Christopher Yavelow - MIDI and the Apple Macintosh
48-56 - David P. Anderson and Ron Kuivila - Accurately Timed Generation of Discrete Musical Events
57-71 - Aldo Borgonovo and Goffredo Haus - Sound Synthesis by Means of Two-Variable Functions
72-78 - Clifford A. Pickover - Representation of Melody Patterns Using Topographlc Spectral Distribution Functions
79-82 - D. M. Gualtieri - MIDI Output Interface to a Parallel Printer Port
83-88 - Thomas E. Janzen - Aesthetic Appeal in Computer Music

Publication Reviews

89. - John Strawn - Ken C. Pohlmann: Principles of Digital Audio
90. - Dean Wallraff - John Strawn, editor: Digital Audio Engineering, An Anthology
91. - Ernest Lee Hammer - Hal Chamberlin: Musical Applications of Microprocessors, 2nd ed.
91. - Ohkii Ichigo - Robert M. White, editor: Introduction to Magnctic Recording
92. - Leslie Heeter - Stanley Jungleib : Music possible
93-94 - Paul D. Lehrman - Thomas B. Holmes : Electronic and experimental music

Recording Reviews

95. - Conrad Cummings - Christopher Light : One-man Band, and Diamanda Galas : Diamanda Galas
96. - Neil Rolnick - Ron Kuivila : Fidelity
97. - Craig Harris - David Keane : Aurora, and David Keane : Lyra
98-100 - Christopher Yavelow - Alejandro Viñao and Richard Attree : Hendrix Haze/Dun-Dun

101-114 - Products of interest

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 10 No. 4 - Winter 1986


14-27 - Mark Dolson - The Phase Vocoder: A Tutorial
28-41 - Shawn Decker, Gary S. Kendall, Brian Schmidt, M. Derek Ludwig, and Daniel I. Freed - A Modular Environment for Sound Synthesis and Composition
42-49 - Henning Lohner - The UPIC System: A User's Report


50-55 - Henning Lohner - Interview with Iannis Xenakis


56-66 - James Dashow - New Approaches to Digital Sound Synthesis and Transformation
67-78 - Roger B. Dannenberg, Paul McAvinney, and Dean Rubine - Arctic: A Functional Language for Real-Time Systems
79-88 - Philip Greenspun - Audio Analysis V: Time- and Frequency-Domain Distortion in Digital Signal Processing Systems
89-90 - Andrew Schloss - Report on the Second International Conference of Electroacoustic Music, Varadero, Cuba

Publication Reviews

91-92 - Robert J. Owens - Iannis Xenakis: Arts/Sciences: Alloys
92. - Alan West - Charles Dodge and Thomas Jerse: Computer Music
93. - Curtis Roads - A. W. J. G. Ord-Hume: Pianola
93-94 - John Strawn - Yoichiro Kawagochi: Growth Morphogenesis

Products of interrest

95-106 - Nakamichi MR-1 ; Sony PCM-601 ESD Digital audio processor ; Casio CZ-1 and AZ-1 synthesizers ; Sampler for commodore 64 and 128 computers ; Mitsubishi X-86 with 96 Mhz sampling rate ; Dalando spry signal processor for IBM PCs ; PPG realizer and HDU ; Threshold S/500 amplifier ; New grove dictionary of american music ; Theme music editor ; Sony AES/EBU chips ; Tecmar synthesizer for the IBM PC ; Otari 32-track digital tape recorder ; Yamaha MIDI products ; Southwork jambox 4 ; Kurzweil K150MIDI expander and MIDIboard ; Kurzweil sample exchange ; Rythm stick MIDI controler ; The grasp glove ; the MKH40 P48 Studio condenser microphone ; QuPlay autolocator ; Time conversion calculator ; integrated mixer/recorder ; Intelligent music software

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 11 No. 1 - Spring 1987


18-28 - Douglas Keislar - History and Principles of Microtonal Keyboards
29-43 - Wendy Carlos - Tuning: At the Crossroads
44-60 - Clarence Barlow - Two Essays on Theory
61-68 - Larry Polansky - Paratactical Tuning: An Agenda for the Use of Computers in Experimental Intonation
69-75 - George T. Kirck - Computer Realization of Extended Just Intonation Compositions

Soundsheet Examples

76. - Wendy Carlos - Exemples excerpted from Beauty in the Beast and Secret of Synthesis

Recording Reviews

77-78 - Kimball P. Stickney - Thomas DeLio, Shirish Korde, Wesley Fuller, and Wes York: The Computer Spectrum
78-79 - Kimball P. Stickney - Audiooptics: IBM Stock Music
79-82 - Gregory Patrick Garvey - Kaija Saariaho: Verblendungen, Jardin Secret I, Laconisme de l'aile, . . . sah den Vögeln
82-83 - N. Plinth - Groupe de Recherches Musicales: Concert Imaginaire
83-84 - Susan Frykberg - Denis Smalley, Jonty Harrison, and Tim Souster: Interpenetrations
84-85 - Michael Bate - Visual Pathfinders: The World of John Whitney

Products of interrest

86-106 - Casio CZ-1 digital synthesizer ; New symbolics computers, BEL sampler ; Emax sampling keyboard and rack sampler ; digital signal processing chips ; MOSCODE 600 amplifier ; Sonus music products ; Tinkertune for Atari home computers ; synthbank ; Digidesign EPROM burner for Apple Macintosh ; Sound lab update for Apple Macintosh plus ; Studio 440 from sequential ; Softsynth for the Appkle macintosh ; Catalog of music software for Apple II Computers ; Tempest : A vacuum tube compack disk player ; Electric valve editing coprocessor for song PCM-F1 Tapes ; Set analysis software for apple II computers motorola MC68030 microprocessor and MC68882 coprocessor ; 16-bit sampler for Atari 520ST and 1040ST computers ; Audio-Technica AT-RMX64 ; Audio source automation controler ; Altec Lansing loudspeackers designer for digital recordings ; simultaneous effects processor from Roland ; Dolby "special recording" process ; ART industrial digital delay system ; Soundfield speacker system ; Yamaha FB01 FM Sound Generator supports microtonal music ; CMU MIDI toolkit for IBM PC ; Music printer for the Apple II media distribution Co-op

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 11 No. 2 - Summer 1987


9-24 - David A. Jaffe - Spectrum Analysis Tutorial, Part 1: The Discrete Fourier Transform
25-34 - Brian L. Schmidt - A Natural Language System for Music
35-48 - Gary S. Kendall et al. - Essays on the 19&6 International Computer Music Conference
49-58 - Sever Tipei - Maiden Voyages: A Score Produced with MP1
59-64 - Leonello Tarabella - The Primula Machine
65-70 - Christopher Yavelow - A Report on the Workshop for Music Notation by Computer

Recording Reviews

71-72 - David Rosenboom - Barry Truax: Sequence of Earlier Heaven
72-73 - Andrea Houtkin - Susan Frykberg: Transonances

Products of interrest

74-88 - Yamaha chips , stereophonic techniques ; Paperback edition of foundations of computer music ; Prophet VS ; B & W 808 Loudspeackers ; handbook for acoustic ecology ; AKAI professional X7000 sampling keyboard ; sound designer software for the AKAI S900 ; Synclavier music printing ; MIDI control for the eventi de SP2016 effects processor/reverberator ; MINIX : a UNIX clone with source code available ; Le Lisp ; New England digital multitrack direct-to-disk digital recording ; book on computer-assisted music colmposition ; new version of studer CD player ; Csound synthesis software ; AKG digitalreverberation and effects unit ; Smalltalk-80 from parc place ; J. L. Cooper MIDI control devices ; ART DR1 digital reverberator ; Studio monitor loudspeacker selection ; The soundzs of just intonation ; Yamaha digital multieffects processor

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 11 No. 3 - Fall 1987


11-16 - Curtis Roads - Interview with Dexter Morrill
17-35 - David A. Jaffe - Spectrum Analysis Tutorial, Part 2: Properties and Applications of the Discrete Fourier Transform
36-43 - Craig Harris - A Composer's Computer Music System: Practical Considerations
44-47 - G. W. Logemann - Report on the Last STEIM Symposium on Interactive Composing in Live Electronic Music

Exhibition Reviews

48-49 - Nicola Bernardini - Venice Biennale: Nuova Atlantide, I1 Continente della Musica Electronica 1900-1986

Publication Reviews

49-50 - Vera Belaise - Aivise Vidolin and Roberto Doati. editors: Nuova Atlantide
50-52 - Douglass Keislar - Easley Blackwood: The Structure of Recognizable Diatonic Tunings
52-54 - Curtis Roads - Craig Anderton: MIDI for Musicians

Recording Reviews

53-54 - Adriano Abbado - Yves Daoust, Takayuki Rai, Tohn Stanley Body, Tommy Zwedberg, Ivan Patachich, Ricarcio Mandolini: Cultures Electroniques
54-55 - Robert J. Owens - Boguslaw Schaeffer, Ricardo Mandolini, Sukhi Kang: Inventionen 1; Takehito Shimazu, Boguslaw Schaeffer, Rolf Enstrom: Inventionen2
55-56 - O.M.Mbundo - Oskar Saa : Electronic Kaleidoscope

Products of interest

57-71 - Computer-assisted tuning books ; Yamaha REV-7 and SPX-90 ; Mitsubishi subwoofers ; IBM PC Music Feature ; Keller sequencer for IBM PC ; Mitsubishi 18+2 converters ; New Ensoniq products ; Recordings from the standard center for computer research in music and acoustics ; FM theory and applications ; Oxford music printing software for IBM PC ; Korg New products ; Korg DSS-1 ; R-DAT update ; music mouse updates ; Dyaxis digital audio processor from IMS ; Compusonics digital audio products ; Casio SS-1 sound sticks ; Ariel DSP-16 signal processor for IBM PC ; IBM PC graphic editor for Yamaha QX5 MIDI sequencer ; Music education software ; transform music software for the Arari ST ; Midisoft studio sequencer for the Atari ST ; T. C. Electronic delay and effects unit ; Sennheiser MKH40 P48 Microphone ; Studer system controller ; ADA programmable pitch transposer ; Revox B226 compact disk player with digital outputs ; dbx 14-band computerized equalizer ; Lexicon 480L digital effects system ; Crown power base-1 power amplifier

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 11 No. 4 - Winter 1987


13-29 - David Zicarelli - M and Jam Factory
30-46 - David Cope - An Expert System for Computer-assisted Composition

Conference Reviews

47. - Julie Villon - Report on the Audio Engineering Society Conference on Music and Digital Technology

Publication Reviews

48-49 - Marc Locascio - John Chowning and David Bristow: FM Theory and Applications
49-50 - Ernest Lee Hammer - Simon Emmerson, editor: The Language of Electroacoustic Music
50-52 - John Strawn - James Tenney: Meta + Hodos and META Meta + Hodos
52-54 - Marc Leman - Otto Laske: Music, Memory, and Thought
54. - Curtis Roads - Luigi Russolo: The Art of Noises

Recording Reviews

54-55 - Willie Hegel - Harald Genzmer: Trautonium-Konzerte
55-56 - Thomas Blum - Larry Polansky, Jane Wilkinson, and C. Bryan Rulon: Compositions
56-58 - David Keane - Bernard Parmegiani: Pour en finir avec le pouvoir d'orphée

Products of interest

59-72 - Sequential prophet 300 16-bit sampler ; big briar multiply-touch-sensitive keyboards ; Yamaha digital synthesis and controller products ; Score-Desktop music publishing ; UpBeat rhythm programmer software ; Airdrums MIDI controller ; Dyaxis digital audio system for the Apple macintosh ; sound model program for Kurzweil 150 ; CZ-Editor and MIDI write ; Composer's resources, Atlanta ; Rowland Research model 7 amplifier ; Synclavier optical disk system ; The Yamaha DX7 IIFD ; Kay DSP sonograph ; Q-shet SMPTE/MIDI software ; Korg DSM-1 digital sampling module ; Canetics 16-bit converter systems for IBM PCs ; Lyre FDSS Synthesizer ; Design Science 16-bit converter systems for the IBM PC ; Cakewalk : an IBM PC MIDI recorder/editor ; The Yamaha TX812 FM tone generator ; E-MU Emax HD sampler ; Korg digital delay-based effects processor ; Digitech 7.6-second digital delay/sampler ; Yamaha DMP-7, a low-cost digital mixing processor ; Oberheim DXP-1 digital sample player ; version 3.0 software for AKG digital reverd ; Tascam tape synchronizer and control unit ; R-DAT update ; Emulator III digital sampler

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 12 No. 1 - Spring 1988


9-18 - Curtis Roads - Interview with Morton Subotnick


19-28 - Francis Richard Moore - The Dysfunctions of MIDI
29-42 - Sergio Cavaliele, Gianfranco Evangelista, and Aldo Piccialli - Synthesis by Phase Modulation and Its Implementation in Hardware
43-57 - Otto Laske - Introduction to Cognitive Musicology
58-64 - Philip Greenspun and Leigh Klotz - Audio Analysis VI: Testing Audio Cables

Exhibition and Conference Reviews

65-69 - David Keane - The 1987 Bourges International Festival of Experimental Music

Publication Reviews

69-70 - James Hearne - David Lewin: Generalized Musical Intervals and Transformations
70-71 - Ernest Lee Hammer - Roger F. Malina, editor: Leonardo 20(2) 1987
71. - Tona Green - William Glock, editor: Boulez, A Symposium

Recording Reviews

72-73 - Kimball P. Stickney - Chris Chafe, David A. Jaffe, William Schottstaedt: Dinosaur Music

Products of interest

74-91 - Cmusic ++ digital synthesis card for IBM PC ; Grey Matter response E! for the Yamaha DX7 ; Softsynth for the Atari ST ; Sonic Editor for Atari ST computers and Ensoniq synthesizers ; Colossus multitrack digital audio recording ; RPG diffuser panels for acoustic treatment of studio ; Buchla 700 synthesizer ; Akai electronic wind instruments ; Seiler showmaster MIDI piano ; synthophone MIDI controler ; SDX digital drums from Simmons ; NoNoise service from Sonic solutions ; FX designer for the Apple Macintosh nd the Lexicon PCM 70 ; Midishare environment for the Apple macintosh ; HB music engraver for the Apple macintosh ; 1987 directory of computer assisted research in musicology ; this buisiness of MIDI - A videocassette ; Dgital soundscapes : Barry Truax CD ; Imagine voicing software for Yamaha synthesizers and IBM PCs ; Bang & Olufen CD player ; MIDI-manager 7 for IBM PC ; Oberon systems music publishing for IBM PC ; HMSL for Apple Macintosh and Commodore Amiga computers ; La Ma de Guido music printing software for IBM PC ; Roland voice processor/pittch-to-MIDI converter ; Forte sequencer for IBM PCs ; MIDI rhythmic pattern generator for IBM pCs ; Kurzweil Rack-mounted expander synthesizers ; audio-technica MIDI THRU box ; ADA MIDI tube preamplifier ; Voyetra software-sequencer plus MKI, MKII and MKIII, conversion plus and patch master for IBM PCs ; Soundforms acoustic control panels ; Artisyn saxophone MIDI controler ; Cakewalk sequencer for IBM PCs ; OP-4001 MIDI interface for IBM PCs

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 12 No. 2 - Summer 1988


11-13 - Curtis Roads - Introduction to Granular Synthesis
14-26 - Barry Truax - Real-Time Granular Synthesis with a Digital Signal Processing Computer
27-34 - Douglas Jones and Thomas W. Parks - Generation and Combination of Grains for Music Synthesis
35-46 - Jeff Pressing - Nonlinear Maps as Generators of Musical Design
47-53 - Alan Belkin - Orchestration, Perception, and Musical Time

Publication Reviews

54-55 - Ernest Lee Hammer - Peter Manning: Electronic and Computer Music
55. - Curtis Roads - Kevin Austin, editor: Bulletin CEC Newsletter
55-58 - Judy Backman - John Borwick, editor: Sound Recording Practice
58. - R.L. B1evins - Barton Bartle: Computer Software in Music and Music Education

Recording Reviews

58-60 - Andrea Houtkin - Wendy Carlos: Beauty in the Beast
60-62 - John Duesenberry - Riccardo Sinigaglia: Riflessi

Products of interest

63-82 - Directory of computer assisted research in musicology ; Free fall-ACD from the Minnesota Composers forum ; McGill university Master samples ; Audio + Design sound maestro hard disk recording system for Atari computers ; Fairlight computer music instrument series III in expandable configurations ; Ariel SDI Signal-to-disk interface for IBM PCs ; Intelligent music's M for Atari computers ; Audio + Design DIGI-4 four-channel digital recording ; Soundfiler waveform editing for Atari computers and Akai samplers ; Publison Infernal machine ; Harmonia mundi acustica BW102 digital audio processor ; Sony PCM-2500 professional DAT recorder ; New England digital offers standlone digital recording and optical disk storage and retrieval system ; Synergy one digital mixing console ; Turtle beach visual editors for IBM computers and Akai and Casio samplers ; Opcode systems timecode machine and Roland Librarian software ; Datafilter for the Commodore Amiga computer and Yamaha FB01 synthesizer ; soundstation II from digital audio research ; Roland equalizers and reverberators with digital Inputs and Outputs ; CMA Source book ; Eventide H3000 Ultraharmonizer ; forte mentor MIDI Network controler ; Two sequencers for the IBM PC ; Digidesign's sound Designer, universal version ; Digitech DSP-128 digital effects signal processor ; The Yamaha DMP7 digital mixing console ; Using superpaint in conjunction with professional composer ; Atari Mega computers introduced ; Casio digital guitar, digital horn, and portable DAT recorder ; Alchemy sound editing software ; Waveframe Audioframe

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 12 No. 3 - Fall 1988


10-14 - Charles Dodge - Profile: A Musical Fractal
15-29 - John Rahn - Computer Music: A View from Seattle
30-42 - Peter Desain and Henklan Honing - LOCO: A Composition Microworld in Logo
43-51 - Kemal Ebcioglu - An Expert System for Harmonizing Four-part Chorales
52-57 - Philip Greenspun - Audio Analysis VII: Digital Copying of Compact Disks

Performance, Exhibition and Conference Reviews

58-59 - Curtis Roads - Clarence Barlow, Lois Vierk: Concert in the Imaginary Landscapes Series at The Kitchen, New York City, 27 February 1988

Publication Reviews

59-63 - Thomas L. Rhea - Reynold Weidenaar: The Telharmonium: A History of the First Music Synthesizer, 1893-1918
63-64 - Tona Green - Mya Tannenbaum: Conversations with Stockhausen
64-69 - John Duesenberry - John Strawn, editor: The Proceeding of the AES Fifth International Conference: Music and Digital Technology
69. - Claude Dubois - Serena Tamburini, and Mauro Bagella, editors: I profili del suono

recording Reviews

69-70 - Robert Rowe - Jean-Claude Risset : Songes, Passages, Computer Suite from the Little Boy, Sud
70-71 - Robert J. Owens - Roberto Laneri : Two views of the Amazon
71-72 - Tomo Suzuki - Nicolas Collins : Devil’s Music
72-74 - Esther Hargs - Neil Rolnik : A la mode / real time
74-75 - Jonathan Harvey - Tod Machover : Spectres

76-90 - Products of interest

THE COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Volume 12 No. 4 - Winter 1988


11-20 - Richard Kronland-Martinet - The Wavelet Transform for Analysis, Synehesis, and Processing of Speech and Music Sounds
21-27 - Trevor Wishart - The Composition of Vox-5
28-45 - Ezra Sims - Yet Another 72-Noter

Studio Reviews

46. - Joseph B. Rothstein - Yamaha Communication Center, New York

Publication Reviews

47-49 - Curtis Roads - Richard Kostelanetz, editor: Conversations with Cage
47-49 - Curtis Roads - Peter Gena and Jonathan Brendt, editors: A John Cage Reader
51. - Robert J. Owens - Jeff Rona: MIDI - The lns, Outs, and Thrus
49-50 - Joseph B. Rothstein - Wayne Wadhams: Dictionary of Music Production and Engineering
50-51 - Joseph B. Rothstein - Dean Friedman: The Yamaha DX7-II(FD/D) Video Manual

Recording Reviews

51-52 - Tona Green - John Chowning: Turenas, Stria.Phoné, Sabelithe
52-53 - Vincent Mello - Wendy Carlos: Secrets of Synthesis
53-54 - Robert J. Owens - Ricardo Dal Farra: Musica Eiectroacustica en Tempo Real
54. - Kimball P. Stickney - Michael William Gilbert : point of views

55-68 - Products of interest